King's Business - 1952-04

seventh fo r rest and w orship. In Exodus 20:8,9 w e read, “ Rem ember the sab­ bath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all th y w ork .” I am g o in g to give each o f you six boys on the fr o n t row a piece o f this banana. Th ere is ju st one le ft fo r me. Y ou m ay eat the pieces I gave you. N ow you boys m ay each come and cut off a small piece o f m ine and eat it. There is p ra ctica lly none le ft fo r me. This is the w ay people often treat God, w ith rega rd to the days o f the week. He gave them six days in which to w ork and play. But when Sunday comes, th ey w ant that day fo r themselves, too. Jesus did only those th in gs which would brin g g lo ry to God on H is day. H e at­ tended public w orship and m inistered to the needs o f the sick. Something you need — "M agw e 's Search for God" For presenting the Gospel by Illustrated Story Ideal for Sunday School Classes Daily Vacation Bible Schools Child Evangelism Classes Other Children’s Work Complete Story, with a division for each of the 8 full-page illustrations and full instructions for using. Only 50c postpaid B ible Supply Co. 143 S. 12th Salina, Kansas GOSPELLIGHT Correctly Graded Bible Lessons

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

F lying A F lag Mery 4, 1952 Objects: A piece o f white cloth tied to a stick. Lesson: W h at does this kind o f a Y es, the people o f all nations know the m eaning o f a white flag. It is a universal sign by which the defeated indicate that they are w illin g to su r­ render. This is a flag which all nations are supposed to respect. It has been fa lse ly used, how ever, by some who wanted to catch the enemy unprepared fo r the attack. F o r this reason those who are su rrendering are expected to come w ith their hands raised to show that they do not have any concealed weapons. flag mean in time o f w a r? “ It is a sign o f surrender.”

tion s: “ Gee— a m inced fo rm o f Jesus, used in m ild oaths. G olly— a substitute fo r God. Gosh— a softened fo rm o f God, used in a m ild oath.” M acM illan’s M odern D iction a ry: “ D arn— m ild form o f damn, damnation, damned.” I f anyone has been gu ilty o f using God’s name falsely, even b y the use o f slang, he should confess it as a sin and n ot do it an y more. May 11, 1952 A B anana S undae and A S unday B anana Objects: A banana and a kn ife. (P re ­ pare the banana by inserting a threaded needle under th e skin at one o f the ridges and passing it between the skin and the core, brin gin g the needle out at the next ridge. Use a thread long enough so th at the knotted end w ill be le ft p ro je ctin g tw o or three inches from the first hole. In sert the needle in the opening made in com ing out, and con ­ tinue to the n ext ridge and around the banana in this manner, until the circle is completed and the startin g place is reached. Then pull both ends o f the thread out the same hole, and the core o f the banana w ill be cut. Make this circle six times at regu lar intervals, and thus cut the banana into seven pieces w ith ou t rem oving the skin.) Lesson: I have never seen the inside o f this banana, but I am sure that it is different from any you have ever seen. When God created the w orld, He divided each w eek into seven days, ju st as i f I should take a kn ife and cu t the banana into seven pieces. (P la ce the kn ife near the banana in six places, as i f you in­ tended to cut it, but do n ot let it touch the banana.)

HENRIETTA C. MEARS, LH.D Originator and Editor-in-Chief

For a BETTER SUNDAY SCHOOL Teachers are delighted be­ cause children learn eagerly. Gospel Light offers NEWand DYNAMIC courses for this fateful “ Hour o f Decision.” Meet the challenge with these fresh, adaptable les­ son s. N u rse ry th rough A dult—graded either by department or age.

D o you know th at w ords are like flags? They have certain m eanings. It is possible to use w ords falsely, even as some have been known to use the white flag falsely, not intending to sur­ render. In Leviticus 19:12 w e have a state­ m ent rega rdin g the fa lse use o f God’s name. W e read, “ A nd ye shall not swear by m y name falsely, neither shalt thou profan e th e name o f thy G od: I am the L ord.” A ga in , “ Thou shalt not take the name o f the L ord th y God in va in ; fo r the L ord w ill n ot hold him guiltless th at taketh his name in v a in ” (E x . 2 0 :7 ). The name o f God is supposed to be used in w orship, p ra y er and praise. P eople who use God’s name in sw earing are gu ilty o f takin g H is name in vain. M any people take G od’s name in vain w ithout realizin g w hat th ey are doing. Some common slang w ords are form s o f p rofan ity. W ebster’s U nabridged D iction ary gives the follow in g deflni- A P R I L , 1 9 5 2

Send for valuable Free Survey Chart and see how you can improve your Sun­ day School. N o obligation for this “ eye opener” — WRITE TODAY ! YES i Send m e FREE Survey Chart "H o w to Organize Y o u r Sunday School.” I am interested in □ Nursery □ Beginner □ Primary □ Junior □ Junior H igh □ H igh School □ A dult Name M y Address __________________ V City ------------------- ;---------------- Zone State ___________ _ M y Church ____________ _____________________________ M ail to your Christian B ook Store, or G O S P E L L I G H T P R E SS 1214 S. Brand Blvd. • Dept. KB2 • Glendale 4f Calif. Page Thirty-seven

W e shall peel the banana to see how it is different. L ook ! It fa lls into seven pieces! Rem ember that when God created the w orld, H e made each week seven days long. H e gave man six days in which to w ork, and H e reserved the

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