King's Business - 1952-04

May 18, 1952 M aking a H ouse a H ome


May 25, 1952 H atred C an B e H ealed

Objects: Tw o p a p e r' doors. (T o make the doors use 2 pieces o f paper 854x11 inches. F old each end to w ithin J4 inch o f the m iddle, leaving a gap o f 54 inch. In this space on one o f the doors w rite the w ord “ H OM E .” Open the flaps and usin g the w ord “ H OM E ” complete the follow in g w ords, “ CH R IST , L O V E , C O M P A N I O N S H I P , a n d B IB L E .” Between the flaps o f the other door prin t the w ord “ H O U S E .” Open the flaps and complete the follow in g, “ H A T R E D , D IV O R C E , LU S T , P L E A S ­ U R E , and E N V Y .” Line the flaps to represent the panels on a door.)

Object: A capital “ H .” (M ak e the “ H ” b y using a piece o f white paper 854x11 inches. F old, m aking th e size 8)4x554. On top o f this paper place the 2 pieces o f 854x5)4 inches. W ith the fo ld to the le ft, )4 inch from the fo ld cu t up 5 inches. F rom this poin t turn righ t to w ithin )4 inch o f the righ t side, where you tu rn stra igh t down. Cut the same w a y down from the top 2)4 inches, leavin g a crossbar fo r the “ H ” 1 inch deep. C olor the top “ H ” black. Cut the rem ainin g “ H ’s” in the m iddle o f th e crossbar. Open the fo ld which is n ow a cross and color the in­ side red. T h ere w ill be tw o “ H ’s” left, cut in the m iddle o f the crossbars. C olor one gold to represent H eaven, and the other one black, yellow and red, to represent the fire o f hell. Replace in origin a l positions and thum btack to the blackboard. I f th e stems o f the thumb tacks are placed alongside o f the “ H ” instead o f th rough it, the low er pieces can be slipped out when necessary, w ith ou t rem oving th e ta ck s.) ! Lesson: O f w h a t does this black “ H ” rem ind y ou ? “ Is it a sin fu l ‘ H ’ ?” Y es, and it stands fo r hatred. The B ible says, “ W hosoever hateth his broth er is a m u rd erer: and ye know th at no m urderer hath eternal life abid­ in g in him ” (1 John 3 : 1 5 ) . In Exodu s 20:13 w e read, “ Thou shalt n ot kill.” In the lig h t o f 1 John 3 :1 5 , w e find th at the one w ho has h atred in his h eart is gu ilty o f k illin g, and thus break ing one o f the Ten Command­ ments.

PREACH THE GOSPEL WITH SCRIPTURE Tracts. 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. K. Allman, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N . J. LIBRARIES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS PUR- chased. Get our offer—good prices paid. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. BIBLES REBOUND, REPAIRED. 28 YEARS experience. Internationally known. Write for prices. The original BIBLE HOSPITAL, 1001 So. Harvard St., Dallas 1, Texas. STENOGRAPHERS — THOUSANDS NEEDED now. Learn Triplespeed NUABC Shorthand. Join Selfstudy Club. Earn Course. Capital City College (40th Year), Washington 5, D. C. WANTED: FIVE HUNDRED NEW MEMBERS for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details Free. John Snyder, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. LENDING LIBRARY BOOKS BY MAIL. Write for information and sample copy of Chris­ tian Reader’s Review, Christian Reader’s Library, Veedersburg, Indiana. SPREAD THE GOSPEL I USE SCRIPTURE Verse envelopes for all correspondence needs. Your own name and address neatly printed on 200 of these and sent postpaid for only $1. Free envelopes Plan included. The Country Press, 655 Manzanita Way, Woodside, California. SCOFIELD BIBLES — COMPLETE LINE IN- cluding new loose-leaf edition. Write for litera­ ture. Fowlers’ Christian Book Store, 113 Main, Hamburg, New York. SHEET MUSIC. WRITE FOR EXCERPTS OF Piano Marches, also list of Sacred Piano and Organ music. Hazelees, Dept. 2, Lake Wales, Florida. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “Judge or Sav­ iour,” “Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s History.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. BIBLE COLORING BOOKS — OVER MILLION sold. Vacation and Sunday Schools. Ten for dollar. State assorted, uniform. Discount contract basis. Junior Workshop, Grand Valley, Ontario, Canada. THOUSANDS OF OUT-OF-PRINT AND SCARCE theology now available. Free catalog. Libraries purchased. Kregel’s Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Michigan. YOUR GOSPEL SONG POEM SET TO MUSIC by widely known composer. Address Haldor Lillenas, 1633 Sinaloa Ave., Pasadena 7, Calif. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSON AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. OLD BIBLES REBOUND LIKE NEW. A PRICE, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Miss. FINE WATCH REPAIRING: WRIST WATCHES $4.00; Pocket $4.50; Chronograph $10.00; Prices include cleaning and adjustment. One year guar­ antee. Send watches by insured mail. Oakley Jew­ elry Shop, 2312 W . Chicago Ave., Chicago 22, 111. SHOE REPAIRING — FIRST CLASS WORK, reasonable prices. Erick Peterson, 5062 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. Tel. WEbster 0404. WANTED: LITERARY PARTNER IN PREPAR- ing manuscripts for magazine articles and books. Compensation, sharing equally in sales and royal­ ties, plus a pleasant, comfortable home. Partner’s part, stenography and typing. Ask questions and tell about yourself. King’s Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles. CROSS CROCHETED BOOKMARKS. 30 CENTS. 8 for $1.00 cash. All colors. Mrs. Stymus, P. O. Box 654, San Bruno, Calif. Page Thirty-eight


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B i b l e :

M ea sur e :

Lesson: These doors look v ery much alike, bu t th rough the gaps w e see the w ord “ H OM E ” in one, and the w ord “ H O U S E ” in the other. T h ere are m any houses in this coun try, but the number o f real homes is fa r less. W hen you open the door, you w ill see the difference between a house and a home. W e w ill open the door marked “ H OM E ” and see w hat should be fou nd in a real home. W e find the w ord s,“ CH R IS T , LO V E , COM P AN IO N ­ SH IP , and B IB L E .” This home w ill be a success because Christ is the head. W here H e is, there w ill w e find love fo r H im , love fo r each other, and love fo r friend s and n eighbors. Companionship is another th in g w e find in this home, companionship w ith Christ and w ith loved ones. W e also discover th at the Bible is the basis o f this successful home. I f you w an t a real home, do not leave an y o f these out. L et us look behind the doors o f the house. It m a y have m any members and still be ju st a house and n ot a home. W e see behind these doors the w ords, “ H A T R E D , D IV O R C E , LU S T , P L E A S ­ U R E , and E N V Y .” P eople often w onder w h y some households are n ot success­ fu l. P erhaps it is because one or all o f the above hindrances are present. I f any o f them are present, it w ill be a place o f failu re. W hen Christ is honored, and the Bible is obeyed, love and companionship w ill resu lt in a real home. In E xodus 20 :1 2 w e read, “ H onour th y fa th e r and th y m o th e r: th at thy days m a y be lon g upon the land which the L ord th y God giveth thee.” EVANGELIZE! $10.00 GIVES CHRIST’S MES- sage to 10 needy hearts and brings a beautiful book to you. Dr. William Swaan, 715 West 16th, Vancouver 9, Canada. BIBLES REBOUND IN ATTRACTIVE LEATHER covers. High quality workmanship; reasonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S. W . Canyon Lane, Portland 1, Oregon.

H atred has hell in it. W e w ill pull another “ H ” w hich represents hell out o f this “ H .” (P la ce this below the black “ H .” ) The h ater is headed fo r hell. There is a H eaven to gain, as w ell as a hell from w hich to flee. (R em ove the pieces which make the “ H ” represent­ in g H eaven and thum btack above the black “ H .” ) Because o f the sin o f h atred and other sins, God has provided a w a y o f escape— the cross o f H is Son. (R em ove the cross.) W e w ill fo ld th is black “ H ” which represents hatred, and place it under the cross. W hen hatred and all other sins are under the blood o f Christ, the one who would otherw ise g o to hell is cleansed and made ready fo r Heaven. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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