fl Çckccl far MISSIONARIES
H ere is the testim ony o f one of our graduates now serving the l o r d in India . . .
Preparation to meet life, with all it brings of diffi culties, tests, challenges, heartbreaks and joys, a standard of Christian ethics vital to worthwhile work, an understanding of how to study God’s Word, and, above all, a love for and faith in that Word which have stood the storms of all the hosts that would defeat them but cannot. This, and more, BIOLA training has meant to me. Through three and a half years as a prisoner of war, it was God’ s Word that held me steady when it seemed that all else had failed— the Word I had grown to love at BIOLA. When I saw people dying of starvation in the internment camp, when everything about me seemed darkness and despair, and when doubt would have overwhelmed me, it was a love for and faith in the Word of God which BIOLA had bred BIOLA Trains M issionaries For nearly 45 years the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has been a school to train missionaries. From our class rooms they have gone forth into the uttermost parts of the world where today they are preaching and teaching the message of life. Today BIOLA is equipped better than ever before to prepare young people for world-wide missionary service. No Tuition Charged As from the very beginning, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles accepts and trains young people for Christian serv ice without charging them for tuition. Our expenses are met by the free will gifts of the people of God everywhere. Any of God’s stewards who desire to “ sponsor” a student may do so by a gift of $200.00 a year. However, any gift large or small is gratefully received. Write for further information.
into my very being, into the very marrow of my soul, that held me and would not let me go. Now on the Mission Field of India, I find that other college training which I have had helps to increase efficiency of service, but it is the BIOLA training which stands as the heart and soul and backbone of my work. Without it, the other training would be as an empty shell, polished and beautiful, but hollow. I shall ever be grateful to BIOLA for the love of God’s Word which it instilled into the very depths o f my being. Carol Terry , Ramabai Mukti Mission, Kedgaon, Poona District, India Graduate Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 1940 and 1946
THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California
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