BBI Services Newsletter - May 2022

What are the ingredients to great leadership?

Being a leader in the construction industry comes with a great deal of responsibility

Whether that’s at project, programme, business unit, or organisational level. Leaders are working with multi-million- pound budgets, hundreds / thousands of employees, and often rigid timeframes. Ultimately, they are accountable for the success and positive outcomes.

Combine this with the ongoing challenges impacting the sector, like climate crisis, building safety, a disruptive supply chain, and the skills demand.

It’s clear a certain set of skills are required to be a successful built environment leader. These leaders can inspire and influence real change, both within an organisation, a JV, or an Alliance, but also on a new project.

 Develop and inspire a shared vision  Model the way  Invest to upskill & grow capability  Challenge the status quo & recognise accomplishments

At BBI, we have collated vast experience from various sectors, as well as construction. With trusted client feedback, we have developed approaches that support leadership teams in building their capabilities and drive real sustainable change. Through practical, supported and coached enhancement plans, we can help to tease out the best of any organisation’s existing talent pools to get real and lasting results. Click HERE to see this full article on our website

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