الإسلام والغرب: نحو عالم أفضل


Bruno Guiderdoni

I hereafter propose a reflection on the ethical values of justice, truth and humility in the prospect of the dialogue of cultures in the global world. The value of humility is central in the quest for truth, in the scientific pursuit as well as in the spiritual life. The dialogue of science and cultures, in this spirit of humility, appears as a powerful tool to promote the dialogue between cultures, and to address issues of global concern.

Bismi-Llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. As you know very well, with this formula, we Muslims initiate all the ritual acts of our religious life, and also all the important acts of our everyday life that consequently acquire a sacred value. Before each act, I should always ask to myself: Will I truly act in the name of God the Compassionate the All-Merciful? And if this act does not manifest God's Love and Mercy, it is better that I refrain from performing it. This formula is written at the beginning of each chapter of the Koran, except one, that is, one hundred and thirteen times, so that it appears as a key principle for reading and interpreting it. Unfortunately we, human beings, are sinners, and we do not often live the core of the spiritual quest that founds our human dignity, in the name of God the Compassionate the All- Merciful. I am a scientist and I am a believer. As a scientist, my interest goes to the cosmos. I try to unravel the puzzles of the physical reality. As a believer, my interest goes to God and to His action within the human. I try to accept the mystery of the ultimate reality and the multiple ways it appears in the human condition. I feel deeply concerned by our 21st century. The terrible events that took place recently, injustice, terror, wars, occupations, cast a dark shadow on it. Do we have reasons to hope again? Can we prepare seeds for the future? Do we still believe in the human? We are looking for peace. But we have first to understand that peace will never be possible without justice. How is it possible for me to live quietly


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