2023 Tourism and Economic Development Year End Report

2023 Economic and Tourism Development Year-End Report


Examples of Investment Attraction/Assisted

Former Flakeboard Factory in Birds Creek

We have an investor interested in purchasing this building for a manufacturing operation. We setup a meeting with the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade to discuss an application to the Eastern Ontario Development Fund and Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC). Also introduced them to the Business Scale-up and Productivity program and Community Economic Development and Diversification program with FedDev Ontario.

401 and Shannonville Road Owner/investor of a 45 acre site is in process of completing necessary studies and reports for commercial development. We setup a meeting for them with the local Township CAO and Mayor to discuss plans.

Worked with a local new accommodation business

New driving experience in Shannonville We have been assisting a new business that is going to offer a unique new driving experience on the Shannonville Motorsport Park track. They are planning to start welcoming customers in 2024.

Assisted with their expansion plans and connected them to Planning Staff for approvals of new amenities.

Gas station in Wollaston Township We heard concerns from Wollaston Township and neighbouring communities about the lack of fuel stations for vehicles and motorized trail users. We connected with the owner of the Coe Hill Country Market, who previously sold fuel, to determine their status and shortly after they were selling

New Hotel in Bancroft Following our participation in the Dragon’s Investor Event in Toronto, we connected a major hotel investor chain to a local property owner in Bancroft with a site ready for a hotel. We scheduled an in-person meeting at the Municipal office for the investor, the local property owner and Town officials to discuss plans and the investment opportunity.

fuel again. We provided them with information on who to connect with regarding building permits and highway/trail signage and also a list of some incentives that they might want to consider through senior levels of government.


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