Biola Broadcaster - 1963-09

Prophecy (continued) sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat of the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” (Genesis 3:17-19). Man now becomes an exile from God, deprived of the many privileges which would have been his. God, as far as individual man is concerned, is not STANDING ON THE ROCK We are standing on th'e Rock, Firmly anchored to the Rock, Held securely by the Hand that can­ not fail. We are trusting in the Lord, Calmly resting on His Word And we never shall be moved, what- e'er assail. There's a Church established here By the mighty Son of God, It was founded on the Rock so long ago; And though fiery darts were cast, It has stood through ages past, And will ever stand the wildest winds that blow. Spread the tidings far and wide With their Words of Peace and Love, Cast it on the rolling waves beyond the shore; Over hills and valleys din. It will cancel every sin, While the Church triumphant stands for evermore, for evermore. — Mrs. Z. A. Beverly able to use him for His glory. This is because man has rejected the Lord and turned his back on Him. But we re­ joice that the story does not end here because God in His marvelous grace, and through' His knowledge, He knew what man would do. The Lord has made full provision to redeem fallen man as we will see in our next study. God speaks to Abraham so that he will bring forth a people who will be a witness to His name and for His hon­ or and glory.


Dr. Ralph L. Keiper Editorial Research Director, Evangelical Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MAKING YOUR WEATHER How strange that we who have finite minds try to influence the infinite grace and goodness of our God. We want our way rather than using the words of our blessed Saviour when He said, “Nevertheless, not my w ill but thine be done.” A maid in a certain home was preparing to take her night out. Just before she left her employer asked, “Bertha, have you been med­ dling with the barometer again?” She immediately confessed declaring, “Yes, maam! You see, tonight is my night off. 1 have a very important engagement and I don’t want anything to go wrong. So, 1 set the barometer to ‘fine’.” A lot of people would like to change the Bible; to rule out such subjects as sin, judgment upon unrightequsness, and eternal punishment. But thank God, as believers, we can rest in the blessed promise of His glorious truth. Yes, “the foundation of'God standeth sure, having this seal, the' Lord knoweth them that are h it” (11 Timothy 2:19). 10

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