Biola Broadcaster - 1963-09

Prophecy (continued) actly how it will end. Yet, with all of this truth evident before us, the great­ est news is the fact that a Saviour has come, the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son. The key to the prophetic Word is the Saviour. Unless you have PRAY— ONE FOR ANOTHER I cannot tell why there should come to me A thought of someone miles and miles away. In swift insistence on the memory, Unless a need there be that I should pray. Too hurried oft are we to spare the thought For days together, of some friends away; Perhaps God does it for us, and we ought To read His signal as a call to pray. Perhaps, just then, my friend has fiercer fight, And more appalling weakness, and decay Of courage, darkness; some lost sense of right, And so, in case he needs my prayer, I pray. Friend, do the same for me, if I in­ trude Unasked upon you on some crowded day; Give me a moments' prayer as inter­ lude; Be very sure I need it, therefore pray. And when thou prayest, friend, I ask of thee That thou wilt seek of God not mine own way, Not what I want, but His best thought for me; Do thou through Jesus Christ im­ plore, I pray. — Marianne Farrriingham the key you will be unable to unlock the door to the future and rest in the assurance that your destiny will be eternal life. Why not come to know Him as your Saviour that He may en­ lighten your heart and mind as you study His blessed truth?

An upright man will never be a downright failure. * * * Unfortunately, some church mem­ bers have heaven on the tip of their tongue and the world at the tip of their fingers. * * * We may first make our habits but then our habits will make us. * * * DUAL CITIZENSHIP This past year a very memorable event took place for a member of the British Isles. In April, Sir Winston Churchill became the first man in his­ tory to be made an honorary American citizen by an act of Congress. One of his biographers states, “For 65 years Sir Winston searched for acceptance, starting when he was a child. His quest for that acceptance lasted for a num­ ber of years until finally the door opened and he became a cherished figure of history.” Our government has given even greater recognition to him with this honor. 6ut what is true with Mr. Churchill on a human level, is even more supremely evidenced for the believer with the knowledge, as Scrip­ ture states, that we are accepted in the beloved through Christ Jesus. So we can say with the apostle Paul, 'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heav­ enly places in Christ.” Sir Winston Churchill now enjoys dual citizenship. Yet, when by faith we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, we become both citizens of heaven as well as citi­ zens of this earth. May the Lord speak to our hearts and cause us to rejoice knowing that our citizenship is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour, our Lord JesusChrist. * The first screw that comesloose in the head seems to be the one that controls the tongue. * * * More people get crooked by dodg­ ing hard work than by being bent on honest toil. * *


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