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Success in AEC hinges on guiding clients toward actions that align with their best interests. Being the best consultant there is

A rchitects, engineers, interior designers, environmental scientists, planners, and land surveyors are all consultants. They provide advice. Each may have a design or technical discipline that they are knowledgeable in, but no client has to do what they advise them to do. To be successful in any of these fields requires an ability to get clients to do what is in their own best interests.

Mark Zweig

Some people are really good at getting clients to do what they advise them to do. They rise to the top of their fields, and they are generally happy and satisfied with their careers. People usually like something they are good at doing. And others – well, they aren’t so good at this. They are quick to blame the client when they fail. These people go through a daily struggle to make a living and to motivate themselves to stay at their profession. They aren’t so happy because they aren’t very successful. You may be asking by now – what qualities and practices make someone be the best consultant out there? Here are my thoughts: 1. Keeping up to date with all you need to know. The best consultants stay up with what is

happening in their discipline and much more. Knowing what is going on in the world. Knowing what is going on in the industries their clients work in. The best consultants are not out of touch with anything they need to stay abreast of. 2. A “do it now” philosophy. The best consultants are all busy and testing the limits of their ability to juggle lots of balls simultaneously. They have a real sense of urgency because they know if they don’t have time now they won’t have it later. Plus, they don’t want to hold anyone up waiting for them. 3. Knowing how to sell. The best consultants can sell their company and themselves to get the client and the projects they want. They know that

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