An online toolkit to support mental health recovery and wellbeing has been developed to help voice hearers. The mental health online toolkit helping voice hearing
‘Let’s Talk About Voices’ is an online toolkit which features a series of videos and worksheets to help people explore, navigate and learn about the voice hearing experience. Seven videos and worksheets were developed by the NSLHD Specialist Rehabilitation Service over a period of three years. Senior Specialist Rehabilitation Clinician Haylee Zink said the toolkit would enable consumers to improve the relationship with their voices and help them to develop strategies for coping with them. “The vision of the project was to make psychological approaches that support the voice hearing experience more readily available and accessible to all,” she said. “This online toolkit is targeted towards voices hearers who wish to further explore their experiences and opportunities to manage these, as well as supporting workers, families and carers. “It moves us beyond a medical model and symptom reduction approach as the toolkit supports one to better understand, make sense of and live with voices.” Haylee said the toolkit was developed in line with the NSLHD MHDA Declaration and Statement of Intention, which
states that the service will ‘strive to support each person’s unique journey of recovery in a humane way that fosters hope, purpose and resilience.’ “As we continually work towards the NSLHD Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Declaration and Statement of Intention, we are hopeful that
this resource is a practical, tangible example of meaningful action and change,” she said. “I would like to thank everyone who was involved in helping bring this to life – Lyndal Sherwin, Kirralee Hall, Dr Stephanie Bradstock, consumers, peer workers and all the creative teams.”
Senior Specialist Rehabilitation Clinician
Haylee Zink and Rehabilitation Coordinator Maddie Migdoll at the launch of the toolkit.
20 NSLHD 2022 Year in Review
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