Feerick Center for Social Justice Biennial Report 2018-2020

Legal Services Organizations: A Network of Hosts for Emeritus Attorneys AEP Coordinators regularly communicate with the host organizations to ensure that pro bono opportunities are current and that volunteer placements are fruitful. The center promotes recognition of Emeritus Attorneys at annual pro bono events and endeavors to support host organizations in the nomination process of the many outstanding volunteers who dedicate hundreds of pro bono hours to provide legal services to those in need.

Emeritus Attorney Anthony (Tony) Szczygiel has been a vital resource to the health care unit for many years, offering many services, including general advice, review of briefs and court documents, and research assistance as needed. Tony has been a mentor to a staff attorney who was a student in his law school, and his continued mentorship is much appreciated. Tony routinely donates his time researching and discussing issues in long-term care and is a wonderful asset in the advocacy for residents in nursing homes and assisted facilities in Western New York. Center for Elder Law and Justice, Buffalo

43 67 Host Legal Services Organizations in New York State 2011 2020

Barbara Weiner, a retired Empire Justice employee specializing in immigrant eligibility for public benefits, has become a pro bono exemplar of the Attorney Emeritus Program. Since her retirement, Barbara has continued her work, representing ... clients, and assisting us

in wrapping up a class action. Empire Justice Center, Long Island

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