Feerick Center for Social Justice Biennial Report 2018-2020


Targeted reforms related to rubrics would make admissions more equitable for students. The absence of a centralized repository of rubrics for high school screened programs suggests a need for significantly increased focus and attention to this area. Screened Out: The Lack of Access to NYC Screened Program Admissions Criteria Feerick Center, Fall 2019

[S]creens are inherently unequal…. NYC DOE [should] develop and provide screened programs with a set of criteria (“standard criteria”) to consider adopting for the 2020-2021 admissions cycle, including criteria that promote equity…. [S]chool closures [due to COVID-19] will exacerbate the inequities that already plague the system [and] we implore NYCDOE to take advantage of every opportunity—including changes to admissions policies—to counteract those negative impacts. Public Schools, Public Oversight: Principles and Policy Recommendations During COVID-19 and Beyond New York City High School Application Advisory Subcommittee on Rubrics for Screened Programs, May 12, 2020

Pursuing Educational Equity | 27

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