Feerick Center for Social Justice Biennial Report 2018-2020

RANS The Veterans Project has proved to be a valuable partner in serving John Jay’s 525+ veteran and military students by providing essential information programs on topics like VA benefits and consumer debt, and by its responsive legal referral support. When I find a veteran student needing legal advice, the Project continually has ‘had our back’ in quickly and skillfully finding the appropriate pro bono legal support. Richard (Dick) Pusateri Captain, CHC, U.S. Navy, Retired Military and Veteran Services Manager, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City Veterans’ Day Clinics 2018 and 2019 In 2018, the VLV held its first full-day clinic designed to give veterans an overview of rights and benefits unique to service members and provide individualized consultations on a range of civil legal matters. Nearly 40 volunteer lawyers and law students offered educational sessions on family law, consumer bankruptcy and consumer debt, tax issues, VA benefits, wills and estates and survivors’ benefits, discharge upgrades, public benefits and business-related matters. These sessions were followed by individual limited-scope legal consultations. Based on the salutary response from the veterans’ community, a second clinic was held in conjunction with Veterans’ Day 2019 and a virtual clinic was held in honor of Veterans’ Day 2020.

My experience as the 2019-2020 AmeriCorps VISTA has been extremely valuable for me to see the positive impact of our work assisting veterans. The information provided to veterans at the Know-Your-Rights presentations can be life-changing. I believe it is important to continue to bring volunteer attorneys and law students to low-income veterans to advise them of their rights and the benefits available to them. Taylor Bessinger 2019-2020 AmeriCorps VISTA, Feerick Center Veterans’ Rights Project Coordinator

Although I could not personally serve, my father, brother and two brothers-in-law are veterans. I have been very pleased to volunteer and to serve [the Project] in some small way. The staff and veterans at the Vets Centers and colleges are great to work with. Ronald L. Thomas ’10 Feerick Center Veterans’ Rights Project Volunteer Lawyer

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