

PUBLISHER R. Michael Wrenn

The Right Tools for the Job


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Carole VanSickle Ellis


volutionary biologists and phi- losophers alike may dedicate

developments in real estate investing resources, including discussing: • The truth about how blockchain

VICE PRESIDENT OF MEDIA SALES Rodney Halford 816-398-4111 x86122 NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Teresa Stanton 816-398-4111 x86224 CONTENT DIRECTOR Abby Tillman DESIGN CONSULTANTS Rivet |

their entire careers to isolating the human “spark” that makes us different from every other species on the planet. Real estate investors, on the other hand, instinctively know the difference and can tell you what it is in about five seconds: It’s the tools. Ted Chu, former chief economist at General Motors and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and current professor of economics at New York University in Abu Dhabi, identifies three “revolu- tionary” traits that make humans unique. It should give every real estate investor reading this a few “warm fuzzies” to know structure building is one of these three traits. It’s not surprising that Chu, as an economist, entrepreneur, and evolutionary biologist, would define structure building as much broader than simply building physical structures. He extends the definition to the process of sharing structures and models with others. It’s a perfect fit for real estate investing: You develop patterns and processes; you scale and grow, and you constantly expand your network of resources. And speaking of resources... In this issue of Think Realty Magazine , we’ve taken a deep dive into the exciting and murky wa- ters where traditional tools like phone lines, check books, pencils, paper, hammers, and nails meet groundbreaking technology and other innovations involving the latest investment strategies, the most creative transactional structures, and, of course, algorithms, code, blockchain, process platforms, and “the cloud.” Our contributors and featured experts peel back the curtain on some of the most exciting

could turn both the real estate and financial sectors completely upside down (hint: it probably has nothing do to with how most people you talk to use the term) • Why algorithms matter for turnkey investments, private loans, and even real estate robotics • Smart-home features and how to leverage their installation for maximum cash-flow and profit • The easiest ways to generate more leads for higher quality deals by combining the most traditional and most groundbreaking strate- gies in the industry Of course, we’ve also included the tools you expect from every issue, including a Califor- nia-dreamy Renovation Rock Star, insight into the best strategies for buying real estate in flood-prone areas, and an in-depth breakdown of market data on notable turnkey rental mar- kets around the United States. If all these resources in one place sound a bit overwhelming, don’t hesitate to “begin at the end” with our new back-page feature, “What You Saw.” This new feature highlights all sorts of exciting (and highly practical) resources mentioned in this specific issue of the magazine along with page numbers for reference! After all, as your compre- hensive real estate investing resource, it’s our job to make sure the information and education we provide readers is as easily accessible as possible. We're ready. Let’s get to work. •

DESIGNER Emily Bowers


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Daniela Andreevska, Tara Bonnell, Salvatore Buscemi, Jennifer Jo Cobb,

Christy Edgar, Charlie Einsmann, Samuel K. Freshman, Troy Fullwood, Bill Griesmer, Sam Jacknin, George Koo, Linda Liberatore, Celeste Lindell, Katrina Rice, Justin Schneider, Douglas Skipworth,

Your Job Just Got Easier Think Realty has just made it easier for landlords and property managers to get the information they need from their tenants! Our newest resources include forms for property managers to use when accepting a new tenant, including:

Brian Spitz, Rosario Terracciano, Tyler VanWinkle, and Ingo Winzer.


FOR ARTICLE REPRINTS :: Contact Jeremy Ellis at Reprint Pros, 949-702-5390. SUBSCRIPTIONS :: The annual subscription for Think Realty Magazine is $28.95 in the U.S. Order online at or call 816-398-4085. Provide your full name, address and telephone number. DISCLAIMER :: Think Realty Magazine , its owners, contractors, distributors and their respective representatives do not provide tax, accounting, investment or legal advice and make no guarantee as to the effectiveness or success of any investment or tax strategies discussed herein. Please consult your own independent adviser as to any questions you have or decision you are contemplating. ABOUT THIS MAGAZINE :: ThinkRealtyMagazine isapublicationof AffinityRealEstateMediaLLC.Reproductionoruseofanyeditorial orgraphic,withoutpermission, isprohibited.Wearenotresponsible for thecontentofanypaidadvertisements.Forreprintrights; toob- tainadetailedstatementofourprivacypolicy;and forallsingle-copy requests,addresschangesandothersubscription inquiries:

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