


PRESENTATIONS Every time I walk into a business meeting, I love knowing I have a plethora of videos, Powerpoint or Keynote presentations, and photos ready on the fly as the meeting progresses. People are, for the most part, visual, so having a device that can assist effort- lessly in making your point, be it personal or professional, is invaluable.

your life. Rather, utilize these genius little tools to maximize your productivity and enjoyment to live the life you’ve always dreamed. You, personally, must weigh the costs, decide for yourself, and then accept the consequences of your decision, whatever it may be. For me, the convenience is everything. Just tonight, I re- turned home from dinner and went outside with the dog. I sat my new, beloved iPad Pro on the BBQ grill while I Snapchatted the dog making laps around the pool. When I went to bed I couldn’t remember where I put the iPad Pro. A quick look at “Find my iPhone” told me it was indeed on property and I could make it emit a noise, which led me out to the grill… in the rain… just in time to rescue it. •

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS It can be a pleasant surprise to a client if you recall some personal details about their lives. I use the Notes feature in Contacts to record things like children,

spouse’s name, or even if I learn something personal about that person’s likes or dislikes. It’s just a simple way to go above and beyond and maybe make you seem a little smarter than you really are (at least, this is my theory).


Jennifer Jo Cobb is a public speaker, corporate spokesperson and a NASCAR team owner and driver. In addition to racing, she is the founder of Driven2Honor (, a non-profit to recognize the efforts and plights of our female military members. Learnmore about Think Realty Racing opportunities by emailing


Your PM Search Stops Here!

by Jennifer Jo Cobb

"Here’s the thing: Alexa is always listening, but I don’t care. I’m sure she isn’t going to post my dealings on the six o’clock news, and I bet she has heard worse than she hears from me. Siri always knows where I am, but you know if I ever get lost I’m going to be so grateful that she will lead me home or lead the authorities to me. All my linkable products are linked together because for me, the convenience outweighs the risk to my privacy. True, if I leave my computer, phone or iPad behind (all password protected, of course) then my whereabouts and personal messages can be vulnerable…but at least for me, the trade-off is so worth it when it comes to quality of life and an overriding convenience."

here are two types of technology people - those who love it and those who hate it. I absolutely love it, but I’m not so far gone that I must have the “latest greatest” as soon as it comes out. I make myself go two to five years mini- mum before upgrading a product, which will likely work well for you in your business and personal tech use as well as long as you stay on top of the updates, back up your devices, and browse for new and improved apps now and again. Below, I share some of my favorite apps and uses of technol- ogy for my racing business and personal life: T READING From self-help to business-builders to juicy fiction, my reading addiction is met by an app called Overdrive . My local public library supplies me with unlimited checkouts by using my library card to access the hundreds of thousands of titles in every genre. I can’t imagine purchasing books one by one and having them take up my device storage space when I can access these great books for free. Every night my iPad (aka my Teddy Bear) and I fall asleep reading. Tonight, I was out with a friend and all I could think about was getting home to finish a juicy chapter in my latest book.

PLANNING I have been a Franklin Covey girl for more than 20 years. I am finally trying to break my paper-planner addiction with my latest purchases, the iPad Pro with Pencil and an app called Planner Pro , to keep track of my schedule. I can also create tasks and notes and can glance at my calendar in daily, weekly and monthly views.

A full list of top-quality, trusted property managers is just one click away! Look to Affinity Loss Prevention Services (ALPS) as your source for top-ranked, property managers in your area.


Franklin Covey Co. is a provider of time-management training and assessment services and markets the FranklinCovey planning system, which is modeled after Stephen Covey’s bestselling business and self- help book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.


Save time and money with confidence. Find a quality PM for your properties at or call 816.398.4114.

The key to using technology effectively is to make it work for you rather than spending all your time “working” for your tech. When that phone rings, you must remember that you are not obli- gated to answer it. A text message can wait. A phone call can wait. A voicemail can be heard tomorrow. Don’t let these devices run

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