Table of Contents Foreward 1. What is Captive Insurance?
1.1. History (use in F500 companies) 1.2. Evolution of Captives in the 21 st Century 1.3. Adoption of CIC in the Middle-Market 2. Introduction to Captive Solutions
2.1. Captive Benefits 2.2. Basic Concepts 2.3. Tenets of Insurance 2.4. Insurance Arrangements 2.5. Risk Shifting 2.6. Risk Distribution/Sharing 2.7. Reinsurance 2.8. Risk Pools 3. Why the Middle-market? 3.1. Importance of Captive Insurance in the Middle-market
3.2. Fortune 1000/500 vs Middle-market 3.3. Challenges in the Middle-market 3.4. Solution: Captive Insurance 4. Types of Captives 4.1. Pure & Sponsored Captive Insurers 4.2. Captive Classifications 4.3. Cell Captives 5. Formation and Licensing 5.1. Formation Structures 5.2. Policies
5.3. Captive Taxation 5.4. Captive Licensing
6. Domiciles
6.1. Domestic Domiciles 6.2. Offshore Domiciles 6.3. Domestic vs Offshore 6.4. Choosing a Domicile 7. CICS Captive Solutions
7.1. Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) 7.2. Employee Benefits (Healthcare Captive) 7.2.1. Who is this a good fit for? 7.3. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) 7.3.1. Why Combine ERM With A Captive Insurance Company 7.3.2. ERM & Captive Insurance Companies 7.3.3. Risk 7.4. Warranties (Warranty Captive) 8. Steps to Captive Ownership 8.1. The Essentials
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