Why Should We Evangelize eBook

is on a sanctification journey not to be a fisher of men.

Who The “Super Evangelists” Are We all have spiritual gifts or areas in our lives we feel are more dominant. But even if we don’t believe we have been given the gift of evangelism, we have all been called to do it. Not being spiritually gifted in an area is not a reason or an excuse not to do what we have been commanded to do. For example, even if we don’t feel we have personally been given the gift of giving, we are still commanded to tithe. We are not exempt from the offering just because we don’t enjoy the act of giving. The spiritual gift of evangelism may be defined as the supernatural endowment of a desire to want to share the Gospel with everyone we meet. If we have this gift, we may or may not be called to be an evangelist. But, either way, we all need to do the work of evangelism because we have the heart of an evangelist. We have been saved from our sin for all eternity, so our desire should be to share that with other people. That means any time a door opens before us that would allow us to share the Gospel, we should walk through it whether we have the gift of evangelism or not. When a door opens for us to share the Gospel, we do not need to worry about the other person coming to a decision at that particular time. We may only be called to plant a seed in a person’s life that will lead to a decision at a much later time. But, by God’s grace, He will lead others to water and eventually reap the seeds we sow. Likewise, it could also be when we lead a person to Christ, many others have come before us to prepare that person for their decision. This takes so much pressure off us as we do the work of evangelism, because we don’t have to know the final outcome of our conversations. We only have to be faithful to do as we are called and keep our focus on bringing glory to God. So often we worry we’ll say or do the wrong thing. But if that’s our concern, it shows our own ego is getting in the way. God is God. He is in control of every conversation. If we truly love Him and we are always prepared to walk through the doors He opens for us, all we will have to do is joyfully gush His love. A Lifestyle Of Evangelism The work of evangelism does not belong to evangelists alone; it belongs to all of us as Christians. This does not mean we are all called to go into full-time ministry or become preachers, but rather we’re called to live a lifestyle of evangelism. We’re meant to love, build relationships and interact with people who believe differently than us, and to keep our eyes, ears and hearts tuned into opportunities to share the Gospel – whether through word or deed. It’s what the Bible means by being salt and light in the world...simply by walking with Christ and being in the lives of others. We are designed to be living, breathing embodiments of the Gospel.

Of course, living this out requires a deep understanding of our calling to share the Gospel as well as being spiritually prepared to love others, withstanding spiritual warfare and turning to God in prayer for guidance along the way.

Evangelism As An Act Of Love We have all been called to love, and the desire to share Christ with others is the most loving thing we can do. While some of us may do this by actually going out as evangelists, many more of us will evangelize through our day-to-day interactions. We can share the message of the Gospel by speaking a soft word over tea, providing Gospel hope as we drive a friend to the hospital, or by playing on a sports team and talking with our teammates after the game. Our desire to do the work of evangelism will come out of who we are, as a response to our appreciation and gratitude for

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