GCRV December Flipbook

Assisted Living & Memory Care

We take great pride in our excellent level of care in our warm home environment. We know that our residents have worked hard all their life and they deserve the best on the last leg of their journey here on earth.


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We toured this facility for our mother who has Cerebral Palsy and is Deaf. We were super impressed with the facility and the staff. The location is absolutely stunning and all the residents seemed very happy! - Jake & Aubri My brother lived in this facility for two years. He called it ‘His Home’. The staff is always kind , caring and actually KNOW what to do. How to shower a person, comb and braid their hair. I would live here. - D.

Give us a call and come by for a tour. We are very proud of our homes and we would love to show you around.

We believe personal care brings a feeling of home to each of our residents. Brady 480-278-1882

Call Brady Garrard 480-278-1882

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