King's Business - 1931-04


April 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

teacher, speaking of the new birth, put this question to the students: '“Are' you born again ?” Those who could answer in the affirmative were asked to stand up. This girl felt she could not honestly, say she was saved, so she kept her seat. Soon after this, as another teacher was speaking of the work of Christ and of His suffering and death on the cross» for us, her heart was greatly moved, and she decided that she would yield herself wholly to Christ. Now she is enjoying her days here and wants to learn more and more of Christ and His Word. A very touching testimony was given by a Miss T ’ang who told us- how God had been speaking to her during the term about things that were ‘displeasing to Him. First, He had spoken about her worrying over the fact that she had no father, mother, sisters, or brothers. He had led her to see that she must be anxious for noth­ ing, and that she must find in Him the supply for all her need. Then He had dealt with her about her pride and carelessness. She told of how the Holy Spirit had spoken to her in a “still small voice” and of the blessing that had come to her as she had listened and obeyed. F a ith in P ractice I was much interested in the help which the students received through prayer at examination time. A Mrs. Chang said she had studied till she could study no more. Then a message that Dr. Keller had given at one of the morning chapel services came to her and she just turned to the Lord in prayer and rested in Him. She was de­ lighted when she found she had made such good grades. Two others had been ill just before the examinations and were feeling very anxious, fearing that they wuuld not get through. But after committing the matter to God, they were able to take the test and to pass with good grades. 1 Another, the daughter of one of our former graduates, told how greatly she enjoyed the classes and the study of the Bible. But personal evangelism was very hard for her. At first she did not know how she could pluck up courage to speak to people about Christ. But she decided to make it a special matter of prayer. She arose every morning, half an hour before the regular rising time, to ask the Lord to help her. She said she now enjoyed the practical work just as much as the classroom work. During the winter and summer holidays, some of the students go home. Others, who cannot go home, go out in evangelistic bands into the country giving out the Word of life. One of these, a Mrs. Hwang, told us of her struggle when she heard that she was to go into one of the bands. She thought she could not possibly do it. As she meditated on it, she said it seemed as if God spoke to her distinctly, three times, saying in the words of Ex. 4:11, 12: “Who hath made man’s mouth? . . . I will be with thy mouth.” Then she yielded herself to Him for whatever work He required of her. As she yielded an­ other message came to her: “Stand aside, let God work!” It is now the desire of her life to let God work through her. Thus God has been leading in the lives of these dear women students, We praise Him for every one of them and for the great privilege of having them with us in the Bible school. Many who read these lines have had an important part in making it possible for these and other young women to come here to take this course of Bible study and training in Christian work. They will rejoice with us in their manifest progress and growth.

When He Cometh If our divine Lord were to appear in a moment, we should not lose our tongue through fear, but would wel­ come Him with glad acclaim. To. desert our Lord would rob us of that ease of mind which is betokened by free speech; but to cleave to Him will secure us confidence. We now speak to Him in secret, and He speaks again to us; we shall not cease to speak in tones of reverent love when He appears. I have preached concerning my Lord while He is not seen, those truths which I shall not blush to own before His face. O, my hearers, if you are with Christ, see to it that you so abide in Him that should He suddenly appear, you would behold Him with confidence. If we abide in Him, if He were to unveil His majestic face, we might be over­ come with-rapture, but our confidence in Him would grow stronger, our freedom with Him would be even more en­ larged, and our joy in Him would be made perfect. Has He not prayed for us that we may be with Him and behold His glory, and can we be afraid of the answer to His loving prayer? If you abide in Christ, the manifestation of Christ will be your manifestation, and that will be a matter of delight and not of fear.— C. H. Spurgeon. —-o—- Women of th e Hunan Bible In stitu te (Continued from page 152) Her greatest desire is to follow Christ and work for Him. She, too, has been here nearly three years and will grad­ uate in June. L ed S tep by S tep A Miss Kao gave us a very graphic picture of the way God had brought her through Communist and bandit infested regions on her way here, of how she had been led, stage after stage on her journey, of how God had gone before her and opened up the way during the five or six days that she was traveling, bringing her safely to the Institute. She had been here for a year, in 1926, but a special need in the station from which she came necessitated her returning to it to teach in the mission school. Later, the school had to be closed on account of the Communists, so she was .free to come back to the Bible Institute. Now she hopes to complete the full course. It was a joy to see her happy face and to .hear her words of praise and thankfulness. A N ew V ocation A Miss Wang told us how the Lord had led her to the Bible school. She desired to take a course in nursing but was not able to carry out her plan. Then she heard of our Short Term Course and decided to come to Chang­ sha for these six weeks of Bible study. During this Course, she became so interested in Bible study that she decided to enter as a regular student and take the full course of three years. This young woman has great pos­ sibilities as a leader in Christian work. H eart S earching Another Miss Yang, a graduate of a mission school in the province, of Kweichow, west of Hunan, was sent here by the missionary in charge of that school who was very anxious to have her take a full course in a Bible school. She told us that during the first few weeks of her stay she was quite dissatisfied and anxious to return to her home. But one day, in one of the classes, the

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