King's Business - 1931-04


April 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The Life of the Holy Spirit B y J ames R obert M c I ntire

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This is an excellent setting forth of the’ teaching of Scripture concerning the Holy Spirit. The book is good in theology and¡ eschatology. It is free from extreme); teachings, and it warns against errors with' reference to the Spirit-filled life. Its mes-; sage is valuable and vital. Bethany Press. Cloth. Price $2.00. —o— Half a Century The Autobiography of a Servant B y A rno C. G aebe L etn Dr. Gaebelein was born in Germany. He came to America as a young man and affiliated himself with Christian work. He1 entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, taking pastorates in German churches. It was his desire to go to the orient as a missionary.. Instead, he was directed info work for Jews in America, in which he was greatly used. Later, he severed connection with his de­ nomination and began a coast-to-coast ministry in Bible conference work. He has published many books and has for years edited the magazine, Our Hope. His autobiography will be welcomed by a large following of readers. Our Hope. Cloth. Price $1.75. •—o— ■ ¡ Bible Outlines B y W alter S cott A reprint of this old and familiar book is presented to the public. It consists of outline studies of the books of the Bible with special exposition and interpretation of important points. The works of Wal­ ter Scott have been well known among the people called Brethren. This is one of his most helpful volumes. 270 pages. Cloth. Pickering & Inglis. •—o— Evolution and the Break-Up of Christendom B y C. L eopold C larke In the author’s foreword, he sets forth the distinctive purpose of the volume. It is twofold: first, to examine evolution in its essential influence; and second, by the evidence produced, to show that “the popular philosophy of evolution is thor­ oughly vicious.” In examining the essential influences of evolution, he indicates it as an apostasy paralleling the ancient rejection of God in nature, described in the Epistle to the Romans. He states that it is simply a return to the pagan code of life, and that the samé result may be predicted for it as was manifested in the ancient civiliza­ tions, which, through moral decay, were overthrown. In his discussion, he speaks of the dilemma of evolutionary science and declares that evolution is not scientific in that it is not based upon facts of nature but has sprung up from the speculating imaginations of men. His logical conclu­ sion is that a universal decline in the mor­ al fiber of society will inevitably follow as a result of the evolutionary hypothe­ sis. In : the closing section of the book, he deals with the outworkings of evolu­ tion in society today. The volume con­ tains very much food for earnest thought on the part of those who are concerned with the moral structure of our present- day civilization. 271 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. GlOth. Price $3.00.

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Object Lessons and Blackboard Talks C ompiled by G.: F. V allance . In the preface of this book, the com­ piler gives the following general rules for the Christian worker’s use of illustra­ tive material: “Be natural. Be spiritual. Quote Scripture correctly. Preach the Word, pointing to Christ. Pray before and after each address.” Then, by means of simple and suggestive outlines and il­ lustrations, he shows how these rules may be effectively applied in teaching young people. The chief value,of the book lies in its reverent and illuminating treatment of Scripture. The material will be found to be easily adaptable to the individual teacher’s need. 92 pages. G. F. Vallance, Publisher, Goodmayes, Essex, Eng. Board. Price $1.50. •—o— Out of the Depths B y C larence W. H all Henry F. Milans, whose life story is told in this book, was considered one of the dregs of society when picked up by the Salvation Army in the streets of New York. Transformed by the power of God, his life again became useful. Back of the story of his downfall is the old, old enemy, the drink habit. Before the age of twenty, he was a confirmed drunk­ ard and a victim of delirium tremens. Back of the story of his recovery are the prayers of a godly mother and a good wife. The book is written in a fascinating style. Commander Evangeline C. Booth furnishes the foreword. Through the reading of the volume, some will see anew that no sinner is beyond the help of the grace of God. 224 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. ■—o— ■Finding Christ B y J ohn L. B randt The author seeks to point out that Christ must be accepted as Son of God and Saviour, if all the evidence we have concerning Him is honestly examined. His first thesis is that Jesus Christ was not an invention of the Gospel writers, nor ^was He a myth or an imposter. Taking up the subject on the positive side, he finds the New Testament records to be credible,_showing that Jesus Christ is truly God incarnate and Saviour of the world through His atoning death. One could wish that there had been more care­ ful and complete statements made con­ cerning the doctrines of the incarnation and the atonement than are discovered in the book. One must also take exception to the idea that “Christian America must accept her commission as a most sacred trust in helping to Christianize the world.” The present reviewer conceives it to be the duty of every Christian to help evan­ gelize the world. 97 pages. Richard R. Smith, Inc. Cloth. Price $1.25.

God’s Truth Versus Man’s Theories J. H. G auss This volume, by the dean of the Brookes Bible Institute, St. Louis, puts in brief and convenient form a great deal of valu­ able information. It is an examination of Catholicism, Judaism, Uhitarianism, Uni- versalism, Christian Science, Russellism, Seventh Day Adventism, Pentecostalism, Mormanism, Spiritism, Theosophy, New, Thought, and Unity. These systems are all contrasted with Bible teaching. Faith­ ful Words Pub/ Co., — Ch— Radiant Girlhood By E leanor V ellacott W ood ; This is a wholesome message from the pen of one who thoroughly understands young women front girlhood to maturity. The author points out that the Consecrated life is the truly radiant life. Special mes­ sages suited to the particular needs of girl­ hood and young womanhood are included. 61 pages. Revell Co. Board. Price 60 cents. —o— j This book is a storehouse of helpful meditations, written on the general plan of the author’s former volume, “Think oh These Things.” Its daily readings will not only be found useful for private and family devotions, but its illustrations will also be valuable to public speakers. An index of texts is furnished. 2S6 pages. W. A, Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. 1—o— Forty Years on the Labrador By E rnest H. H ayes Much has already been written of the life and work of Sir Wilfred Grenfell, the famous medical missionary of the Labra­ dor ; yet the present account is accurate, compact, and intensely interesting. 128 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. —o— The regeneration of a sinner is always a great miracle. When the sinner has descended to the lowest depths of shame and has paralyzed all his powers that could give him any hope of recovery, his restoration is the greater miracle. The stories in this book are records of divine transformations that took place in the slums when the most depraved and hope­ less found Christ and were given new life and victory. The accounts of such de­ liverances are always fascinating. The author of this book has a facile pen and makes the characters stand out as in real life. 128 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. Walk in His Ways B y A mos R. W ells God in the Slums B y H ugh R edwood

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