King's Business - 1931-04

SOMEBODY’S LOSS y ® U R G a i n ! Bankrupt Stock of U D 1 C 1 % HEN ’/ a n d G I R L I 9 f i l l i G i a t j

Helping the Youth of Today A Bible questionnaire was given to a group of college students. Among the answers were the following: “Paul was one of the first kings of the Jews.” “Joseph was a shepherd who became King Pharaoh.” “Samuel killed thousands of people with the jaw bone of an ass.” Many of the questions wefe not an­ swered at all. But for that fact and the small number of answers approaching the truth, one might think that the matter had been taken as a joke. The point is, we have here a confirma­ tion of the reiterated charge of dense ignorance of the Word of God on the part of the youth of today. Do your young folk know the complete, consecutive story of God’s plan of redemption ? Who Satan was? Where and how sin began and will end? Who and where the Sav­ iour was before He became Jesus of Nazareth? Recent contact with many groups in­ dicates complete lack of this knowledge. To paraphrase, where there is no knowl­ edge of God as found in His Word, the people perish. The Story of the Great King, appear­ ing serially in the Junior King’s Busi­ ness, may be had in book form. Its twenty-nine illustrations are useful as sug­ gestions for blackboard work. The es­ sential Bible story, simply told, fascinates the children and appeals also to older peo­ ple. One grandmother, at least, has rea’d it seven times to a little' man of seven, and each time the story has been- finished, the reply has been: “Read it all, over again!” The book, is widely used by Sun­ day-school teachers and in Daily Vaca­ tion Bible Schools! Dr. F. B. Meyer, Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas, and Pastor Find­ lay (of Glasgow) have given it unquali­ fied commendation. Price, single copy, 75 cents; ten or more, 60 cents each. Another valuable book, Glad Songs, may be effectively used in the home, as well as in Daily Vacation Bible Schools, Sunday-schools, churches, and missions. It contains material for every department“ from the kindergarten to the adult. The unsigned poems appearing on the Junior pages of T he K ing ’ s B usiness are taken from this book. There are Sixty-seven songs in all. Price, 75 cents a copy. Attractive cards with the verse, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus,” for letter enclo­ sure and for distribution are available at $1.50 a hundred. Sample card and hymn sheets will be sent to any one who furnish­ es a stamp for reply. Address the author, Helen Howarth Lemmel, Editor of Junior King’s Business, 536 So. Hope, St., Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Lemmel is open for children’s meetings—either a Single ser­ vice or a series. She uses original songs, as well as blackboard and Other illustra­ tive material. —o— The Source of Strength "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from m e: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matt. 26:39). The death of Christ on the cross is the highest and the holiest that can be known of Him, even in the glory of heaven. And the highest and the holiest that the Holy Spirit can work in us is to take us up and to keep us in the fellowship of the cross of Christ.

We need to enter deeply into the truth that Christ, the beloved Son of the Father, could hot return to the glory of heaven until He had first given Himself over un­ to death. As this great truth opens up to us, it will help us to understand'how, in our life and in our fellowship with Christ, it is impossible for us to share His life until we have first, in very deed, reckoned ourselves every day to die to sin and the world and so to abide in the unbroken fellowship with our crucified Lord! It is from Christ alone that we can learn what it means to have fellowship with His sufferings and to be made conform­ able unto His death. When, in the agony of Gethsemane, •He looked forward to what the death on the cross would be, He got such a vision of what it meant to die the accursed death under the power of sin, with God’s countenance turned from Him, that not a single ray of its light could penetrate the darkness. Then He prayed that the. cup might pass from Him. But when no answer came, and He understood that the Father could not allow the cup to pass by, He yielded up His whole will and life in the word: “Thy will be done.” - O Christian, in this word of thy Lord in His agony thou canst enter into fellow^ ship with Him, and in His strength thy heart will be made strong to believe most confidently that God, in His omnipotence, will enable thee in very, deed with Christ to yield up everything, because thou hast in very deed been “crucified with him.” “Thy will be done.”&j Let this be the deepest and highest word in thy life. In the power of Christ with whom thou hast been crucified, and in the power of His Spirit, the definite daily surrender to the ever-blessed will of God will become the joy and strength of thy .life. —Andrew Murray. —o— Origin of the Individual Com­ munion Service The first individual communion ser­ vice was inaugurated by Rev. J. G. Thom­ as and the deacons of the Putnam County Church, Ohio, in 1893, To fill the in­ dividual cups, Mr. Thomas invented a device, consisting of twenty-four tubes, each controlled by a master lever, which allowed the same amount of wine to flow into each cup. By this method, a tray full of glasses could be filled with the same ease as one glass. The idea of the individual communion service was im­ mediately popular. Today there are over 140,000 churches in our own land and in foreign countries, which use this improved method of celebrating the -Lord’s Supper. •—o— What Happens When You Believe The moment you sincerely believe, you and your sins are dated back two thou­ sand years to the cross of Christ. Your nature of sin and your deeds of sin are charged to Him. God counts His death as your punishment. His obedience unto death is charged over to your account. In the eyes of justice, you, have nothing more to pay. You have' paid it in your Substitute, ■yes, all the debt you owe. You are accepted as legally righteous in the sight of God. You stand before God accepted in Christ as your righteous and perfect character. — I. M. Haldeman.

Waterproof for All Out­ door Use Through a very for­ tunate purchase of a large stock of “Rain or Shine” Sport Coats from a large Chicago manufacturer, we are now able to offer you s p le n d id all-weather coats at sensational savings. Here is just the coat you need for rainy and clear w e a th er. Made of Knitted Jer­ sey Cloth that is dur­ able, strong, and abso­ lutely w a te r -p r o o f. You can remain per­ fectly dry and com ­ fortable in the sever­ est rain storm. Every coat is lin e d with

warm plaid lining. Tru­ ly a coat you can be proud of at a price you can afford to pay. MEN'S COATS— Single breasted. Slash pock­ ets. Set insleeve and tabs. Choice of Green and Tan colors. LADIES' COATS— Smartly made with Raglon shoulders and has all around belt. Sleeves also have adjustable belts. Choose from these beautiful pastel shades: Tan, Grey, Blue and Green. GIRLS' COATS— Styled like ladies* coats. Comes complete with youthful hat matching cloth of coat. Every girl will enjoy wearing this good looking coat. Colors same as la­ dies’ coats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money re­ funded. Wear your coat for ten days. If you are not delighted with its smart appear­ ance and its usefulness your money will be cheerfully refunded. Send for your coat to­ day. Wear it in rain or shine at our risk. We know you and your friends will go wild about it. Fill in coupon below. Be sure to mention size and color wanted. C U T A N D M A I L T O D A Y ARNOLD MAIL ORDER CO., 716 'E. Pershing Road, Dept. 17 Chicago, Illinois. Please send me.................................“Rain or (how many?) Shine” Sport Coats. Name .................................'..¿¿-.¿. a Address .....................__

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