King's Business - 1931-04

April 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

more than two thousand separate passages. 5. Because of the superhuman charac­ ter of its formation over a period of two to three thousand years. 6. Because of the superhuman charac­ ter of its preservation in spite of every attempt which has been made to destroy it. 7. Because an age of unparalleled hu­ man enlightenment is unable to im­ prove upon it. 8.. Because of its remarkable civilizing power and influence over men and nations. 9. Because its message meets every need of the human heart. 10. Because it has made scores and scores of prophecies which seemed impossible of fulfillment, but which have found their fruition in literal reality. 11. Because of the superiority of its teachings and ethics over any code which is capable of conception by the human mind. 12. Because of the character of the men and women who believe in its in­ spiration arid follow its teachings. 13. Because daily discoveries of arch­ aeological research are verifying, beyond all question, the historical , events which it records. 14. Because it contains depths of truth inexhaustible for the most profound intellects, and at the same time re­ cords a message capable of being understood by the simple faith of a little child. 15. Because its difficult passages and apparent contradictions are always clarified in the light of a complete knowledge of the facts. 16. Because Israel bears constant testi­ mony to the truth of its teachings about that race. 17. Because at every point where it touches the realm of natural science, it is found to be scientifically ac­ curate when properly understood. 18. Because it has a literary value un­ paralleled in the uninspired writings of men. 19. Because of the unquestioned and in­ disputable fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ: 7 :00—Closing Message—“Applying the Truth of the Bible to your Life” (Talk by leader, pastor, or selected speaker). — o — May 31, 1931 ' A Feature Missionary Meeting 5 :15—A Song or Two. 5:25—A Little Devotional Time (A de­ votional period with a few verses of Scripture, a prayer song, and a large number of sentence prayers). 5:40—And then the Word (Scripture reading). 5 :50—In the Land of the Cherry Blos­ soms. A missionary presentation with the set­ ting of a mission station in Japan. 6:45—Old Familiars (Informal singing of a number of old familiar hymns). 6:55—Heart Searchings (Life work re­ cruit message or definite missionary talk by some member of the de­ partment, or by the pastor, or a special speaker). 7 :10—Benediction and Piano Postlude.

“Thè chastisement of our peace” (Isa. S3:5). “Seek peace” ' (Psa. 34:14) . ‘T have spoken . . . that ye might have peace” (John 16:33). “My peace I give unto you” (John 14:27). ' “Follow after the things which make for peace" (Rom. 14:19). “Follow peace with all men” (Heb. 12:14). 4. Longsuffering. 5. Gentleness. 6. Goodness, etc. Part II— Some Weeds 1. Bitterness. “Let all bitterness . . . be put away from you” (Eph. 4:31). . “If ye have bitter envyings , . . glory not” (Jas. 3:14). 2. Envy. “Laying aside all . . . envies” (1 Pet. 2 : 1 ) . “Let not thy heart envy sinners” (Prov. 23:17), . “Love envieth not” (1 Cor. 13:4). “Let us walk , . . not in strife and envyings” (Rom. 13:13). “Where envying and strife is” (Jas. 3:16). 3. Hypocrisy. “Wherefore lay aside . . . hypocrisies” (1 .Pet. 2:1). “Thou shalt not be as the hypocrites” (Matt. 6:5). “Woe unto you . . . hypocrites” (Matt. 23:13-29). * 7 :00—The Garden of Your Heart (Clos­ ing remarks by leader, pastor, or a selected speaker). 7:10—“Into my Heart” (Closing song). 7 :12—“Let the words of my mouth” (Benediction). 7:15—Garden Music (Postlude). 4. Lying. 5. Anger. 6. Foolish Talking, etc. , ‘‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psa. 119:105). P rogram 5 :40—Pre-prayer Period. 6 :00—Praise Period. Choose hymns and songs about the 1. Scripture memory verses about the Bible. 2. Silent prayer. 3. Five short prayers. 6 :30—Discussion Period. Have different members each select one of the following topics for discussion of the question : “Why I Believe the Bible is the Superhumanly Inspired Word of God.” 1. Because of the testimony of Jesus Christ to that effect. 2. Because of its marvelous unity throughout in testimony to the per­ son and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. Because its historical trustworthi­ ness and authenticity has been es­ tablished by reverent investigation and genuine scholarship. 4. Because it claims to be such in Bible, as far as possible. 6 :20—Devotional Pèriod. — o — May 24, 1931 A “ Bible” Meeting

BILHORN BROS. 7 7 W. Lake S t.. C hicago

You Are Invited ! Th e Bible Institute C olportage A ssoci­ atio n of Chicago is an undenom inational (interd enom in ation al), thoroughly evan­ gelical society, founded by D. L. Moody in 1894, in co rpo rated u nd er th e laws of the S tate of Illinois in 1899, the object of w hich (according to c h a rte r) is “To circulate, distribute, make, publish, buy, sell and give aw ay books, pam phlets, tracts, singing books, Bibles, T estam ents, and evan­ gelical religious publications, and to use any surplus funds of the A ssociation in and about Bible and evangelical work.” This active, long established, proven o r­ ganization, comm itted to the task of p ro ­ m oting th e Gospel in print, is inviting to its fellowship all tru e believers who desire to so a tta c h them selves to a living, vital, progressive Gospel agency such as it is. H elpers a re sought to su p p o rt and to enlarge this m inistry of “ broadcasting** th e gospel in p rin t. This m ay be done in several ways: 1. D irect gifts— checks o r currency. 2. D onation of bonds o r stocks. (If th e income is needed during life, th e se­ curity may be placed w ith us in tru st.) 3. Provide for a legacy or bequest by last will and testam ent. 4. Assign to the C olportage A ssocia­ tion any rights to unsettled estates, or rents and income from any prop erty . 5. Name th e A ssociation as a bene­ ficiary u nd er a life insurance policy. 6. Loan funds to be used w ithout in­ te re st; o r give an estate note. LEGAL FORM OF BEQUEST “I hereby give, devise and bequeath unto The Bible Institute Colportage A ssociation of Chicago, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the S tate of Illinois, the sum of.....dollars, to be paid out of any real or personal estate owned by me a t my decease.” Will you no t give us the opportunity to explain m ore fully th e A ssociation’s w ork and plans (m entioning K ing’s Bus­ iness) ? THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION 810 No. Wells St., Chicago

$ $ B o y s a n d G i r l s $ $ Act quickly and earn one t dollar in cash. Sell only 10

Beautiful Wall Mottoes. Prices plainly marked. Full sell­ ing instructions furnished. You may also get an^ eversharp Rite-Rite pen-, cil with clip, FREE. Thousands ofboys and < girls and even grown folks are making good i money this pleasant, easy way. Clip and mail this notice today carefully stating y!our name, age and address. GOSPEL TRUMPET f FREE COMPANY Dept. K. M. Anderson. Indiana

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