King's Business - 1931-04

April 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

petition was understood by the apostle and may be comprehended by us, as the “love of Christ which passeth knowl­ edge” may be comprehended by general believers. We can ask every good thing which we have heard or read, that God has ever promised in Scripture, and we can think of or imagine good, and blessing beyond all that we have seen or heard. Yea, we can imagine good things to which it is impossible for us to give a name. And, after all, “God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” ; and.His ability here is so connected with His willingness that the, one indisputably implies the other. He will do what the soul of man needs to have done. All He can do, and all He has promised, He will do according to what He has done, by that power of the Holy Ghost which works in us. The apostle winds up the prayer with “amen,” “so be it” ; so let it be; so it will be. ■—Adam Clarke. — o — April 26— "Ye shall receive power, af­ ter that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8). When the Holy Spirit touches a hu­ man life, glory springs up in it. It be­ comes capable of great things. It rises to new power. We know what different men Pentecost made of the peasant dis­ ciples. From being timid, fearful, afraid of a sneer, wilting under a girl’s-taunt, frightened by a joke, they became in an hour brave, lion-hearted men, who feared nothing. From ,being without eloquence, without fine culture, they became at once mighty men filled with a new power by which they turned the world upside down . . . We never find or bring out the best that is in us until we let the divine Spirit breathe on us.— J. R. Miller. — o — April 27— “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Gal. 6:14). O ambitious man, thou that runnest af­ ter something and thou canst not tell what if’is that can gratify thine immortal spirit, turn to the cross, for at the foot of it there springs a sacred fount of soul-sat­ isfying delight; and, if thou wilt but stoop and drink, thine ambition shall be over, and thou shalt want no more. There is satisfaction for the deepest longings of heart and head and conscience in the fount which springs from the wounds of Jesus. Faith is the silver cup. Dip it into the overflowing stream and drink. — Spurgeon. —o— April 28— “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempt­ ed of the devil” (Matt. 4:1). The man who has seen Christ will not be found explaining temptation away. He will not delude himself with vain hopes of living a smooth, untempted life. He will read in the temptation of the Per­ fect Life that that is impossible for any man. When he is depressed and hungry and exhausted, he will look for the devil as his Lord did; and when he sees, him coming, when he hears his words and feels the desire of sin stirring in his heart, he will recognize the old enemy of his Master coming for the old battle, and will pray for his Master’s strengthen the hour

SAFE INCOME FOR LIFE M rs. B. E. M . o f New York

Happy Christian Annuitants

“ I am happy to know that aslong asIlive I will receive each annuity paymentwith­ out fail.*'

ANNUITY PROMPTLY PAID . . . . T he Rev. H .K . S. o f California

These are actual photographs of a few of hundreds ofmen and womenwho havewritten words of praisefor the annu­ ity plan that helps distribute J the Word of God.

“I enjoy a lib­ eral rate and the annuity checks come twice a year, alwaysprompt­ ly when due.’*

A GREAT CONVENIENCE M r. E. P. B. o f Florida

Y om , too, if you want to give to the cause of Scripture distribution but require some return from your gift during your lifetime, will find the American Bible Society’s annuity plan eminently satisfactory. Its safety is guaranteed by the substantial resources of this great world-wide Society which has been dis­ tributing the Scriptures since 1816.

“Thè annuity plan provides a permanent and convenient income. I need only to deposit the semi-an­ nual check.”


M rs. S. G. H . o f M issouri “Iconsiderthe Society'swork as second to none in furth­ ering Christ’s kingdomupon the earth.”

A GIFT THAT LIVES M r .C .T . o f Kentucky

“ I want my moneyto work for the Bible Causeaftermy death. Your annuities are the solution.”

F orth IBM n \ r E ■ m tion o: ËÆ understi feti

AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Astor PL, N . Y. Please sendmeyourbookletNo. 7 KBgivingfull informa­ n the annuity plan of the American BibleSociety. Itis stood that this request places me under no obligation.



A N D A S H IG H AS i i i d M Ü

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