King's Business - 1931-04

April 1931


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

PROPHECY A n a ccu rate S criptural study. T racin g the Messiah th ro u g h th e O ld and New T estam ents. Should he in th e hands of every Bible loving Christian. SENT FREE. W rite to Christian Witness to Israel, Inc. 2248 W estchester Ave., New Y ork City SOLOS--DUETS—QUARTETS 11 New Songs — Only 25c (Send Stamps or M. 0 .) B ilhorn Bros., 77 W. L ake St., Chicago D E A G A N TOWER CHIMES Played from keyboard, direct from organ consoleor automatically. Price, $4375 and up. Literature on request. J. C. Deagan, Inc., 191 Deagan Bldg., Chicago B I G ; P R O F I T S . F ot Y our Chizrcli O rgan ization GOTTSCHALK’S METAL SPONGE RCO.US.PAT.OF. ‘¡th e M o d e rn Dish C loth” — WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION*^ METAL spo n g e sa l e s c o b . p q b a . t io n DEPT. A LEHIGH AND MASCHER STREETS FHIDL “How the World Is Getting Worse” Highly recommended by Fundamentalist preachers, evan­ gelists, and papers like the “ Defender,” "The Evangeli­ cal Christian,” “ The Moody Monthly” and many others in England, Canada, and U. S. A. 100 pages, 50 cents. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Rev. A. Olsen, Mitchell, Nebr. „ I hearken to the beguiling voice, that Face vanishes into indistinctness and distance. The sheep themselves may be their own worst enemies. The foes outside could not harm, if the heart I carry within were vigilant and valiant and full of prayer. But I am so fickle, so ready to mistake the adversary for a friend, so easily coaxed into By-path Meadow, so free to choose, and so apt to choose foolishly and wrongfully. I plunge myself into a hun­ dred dangers. But, blessed be God! this is what Jesus says: “No one—no antag­ onist, no temptation, no sin—shall snatch them out pf my hand.” Is it not a hand in which omnipotence resides, which is governed by a wisdom that cannot err, which pulses with a love undecaying and immortal?— Alexander Smellie. — o — May 10— “Jesus . . . was led by the Spirit into the wilderness’’ (Lk. 4:1). “Being full of the Holy Ghost,” “led by BOOH 3SS~. 1701-03 CHESTNUT STREET. P H ILA D E LP H IA ,!*.

promised, He was ablé to perform. This is to be a daily, literal, conscious, beauti­ ful gift of God, enlightening and purify­ ing, guiding and correcting the whole life : “They shall show forth my praise.” We must exhibit it. Three Hebrew words are translated “show forth” in the pas­ sages alluded to. One means “to tell forth tidings” ; the next, “to put before, declare, expound” ; the third, “to number or recount,” the root from which the word “scribe” is taken. Thus you see how you are to exhibit God’s praise. Your lips are to tell it out ; your tongue is to declare and expound it; and your life is to be the epistle written and inscribed by God, known and read of all men. — Hubert Brooke. —o— May 13— "Obtained promises” (Heb. 11 : 33). Faith is the soul’s perpetual “amen” to God’s everlasting “yea.” Faith’s occupa­ tion is the obtaining of the promises of God. Now it ¡s written that all the prom­ ises of God in Christ are “yea” . . . Christ has perfectly fulfilled all the conditions of the covenant. And God has bestowed upon Him, for us, all the blessings of the covenant. The “yea” refers to the com­ plete fulfillment of everything and to the absolute certainty of the promises to us in Christ. There is now no peradventure about them. God has sealed these prom­ ises with His eternal “yes.” But what about the “amen” ? That belongs to us. The “amen” is the response of the be­ lieving soul. It is faith’s acceptance of the promise. It is by faith that we obtain the promise. Through Christ to God, is returned from us who believe the “amen” of appropriation, of acknowledgment, and of praise. The stepping-stones of faith are the promises of God. Each step we take in the path of . faith is an “amen” in response to God’s “yea.” Faith is the soul’s repose on the omnipotence of God. Once, it may be, your life was a constant struggle against weakness, finding its ex­ pression in an anxious cry, “Lord, enable me.” Now it has become an attitude of trust in the ability of God. “He is able” is the fact that fills the soul with confi­ dence and joy. This is the rest of faith. ■—Evan H. Hopkins. —-o-^ May 14— “We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen : for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal’’ (2 Cor. 4:18). A poor shoemaker, in his dreary little shop in a great city, one day found by accident that there was one little place in his dark room from which he could get a view, through a window, of green fields, blue skies, and far-away hills. He wisely set his bench at that point, so that at any moment he could lift his eyes from his dull work and have, a glimpse of the great beautiful world outside. From the darkest sick-room and from the .midst of the keenest sufferings there is always a point from which we can see' the face of Christ and have a glimpse of the glory of heaven. If only we can find this place and get this vision, it will make it easy to endure even the greatest suffering. —J.’ i?. Miller.

the Spirit,” and “Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee”^—how intimately these passages link the Sav­ iour’s conflict and victory in the wilder­ ness with the Holy Spirit! Where Adam fell, the Son of man, “filled with the Spirit,” gloriously triumphed. And for us the secret of all sure victory over Sa­ tanic assault is the same. “Filled with the Spirit,” Christ was led first to conflict, not to service. His apostles received, through the Spirit, fullness of joy in their risen Lord before they were baptized by the Spirit for their ministry (Lk. 24:52). Work is not the deepest and profoundest thing in Christian life, and it is a mistake to represent the filling of the Spirit as only, or chiefly, an equipment for service. Behind the great problems of service are the greater problems of the soul, and for these our need of the amplest aid of the Spirit of God is immense, beyond all ex­ pression. Woe to us, if we be not filled with the Spirit in our wilderness and in our days of sore temptation! . . . He who, like his Lord, triumphs in the Spirit over all the terrors and assaults of the wilderness “goes forth in the power of the Spirit” to preach and serve “in Gali­ lee.”— C. G: Moore. —o— May 11— "God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, al­ though that was near" (Ex. 13:17). God did not lead His people by the nearest path to their desired goal, but by a circuitous route and after long delay. Does He not often act thus both with the race at large and with the individ­ ual? We may be sure that He never loses sight of the far-off event, that He never falters in His design, and that He can make no mistake as to direction; and yet by endless windings and turnings He seeks to bring His purposes to pass. Let us be on our guard against impatience. “For God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt.” The tortuous path of Israel was prescribed out pf a tender re­ gard . for its safety; and the same wise loving kindness determines the involu­ tions, tangents, and circumnavigation of our pilgrimage. We are conducted “round about” in order to escape hills that are too steep, currents that are too strong, ordeals that are too bitter. “He knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust,” and leads us in a safe way, because of our enemies.-— W. L. Watkinson. —o---- May 12— “That they might be unto me . . . for a praise" (Jer. 13:11). We must understand that just-so far as our lives, like those of the saints of old, are manifestly filled with the exper­ iences of guidance, victory, deliverance, recovery, restoration, and prosperity, so far will they be unto Him for a praise. And on the other hand, as far as these experiences are lacking, there will come a reproach upon the name of the Lord. This high calling, this noble and ennobling purpose of God for His people, is in­ tended to be a patent reality. Faith must take hold of the purpose and rely boldly upon the enabling promise of God, “be­ ing fully persuaded that, what” He had

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