King's Business - 1931-04


April 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Such is Nevada’s reply to Arkansas and Idaho, seeking the .same sort of ill-gotten gains upon which Nevada has fattened her treasury for years. Divorce everywhere over the earth is constantly being made easier. The “joy” of free-lovers increases—such joy as it is. But what about the way of God ? Hear it ! “Whoso­ ever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery : and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery” (Matt. 19:9). “What: therefore God hath joined to­ gether, let not man put asunder” (Matt. 19:6). God’s way is plain. But, once again, man has “corrupted his way upon the earth.T Unless God in mercy shall move upon some earthly forces not now apparent, to halt the present orgy of free-love-ism which is aided, abetted, and encouraged more and? more by the laws,of men, moral collapse “as in the days of Noah” is not far ahead. And with that collapse comes judgment. '"V §* —°— The Renaissance of Hebrew T HE renaissance of the Hebrew language is one of the most strikirig present fulfillments of the prophetic Word. Hear the prophecy : “Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord . . . my determination is to gather the nations, that I may as­ semble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indigna­ tion.” That means Armageddon’s battlefield. But, when the nations are marshalling their hosts for their last awful conflict, the Almighty says : “Then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of the Lord.” See Zeph. 3 :8, 9. What would the Lord God of Israel designate as “a pure language,” if not the tongue of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacol>—the language in which the holy oracles were giv­ en? W. M. Christie, D.D., of the Mount Carmel Bible School, Haifa, Palestine, says: “Of all modern languages, Palestinian Hebrew is the purest, and that position is likely to be perpetuated.” Hebrew, admittedly based on the Old Testament vocabulary, has already become a med­ ium of communication suited to all the emergencies of modern life. It is said : At the present- moment, ninety-eight per cent of the Jewish population of Palestine speak Hebrew; that means 160,000, and all are enthusiastic for the language, as it brings a practical unity into the life of the land, all facilities to that end being afforded for Gentiles as well as Jews at the University of Jerusalem. When the Pope spoke from his golden throne in Rome some days ago, who among the peoples understood his tongue? When, to all the nations of earth, “out of Zion shall go forth the law [via radio?], and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isa. 2:3), it will create a necessity for a universal tongue. We do not hestitate to predict that that tongue will be pure Hebrew.

The Desolate Land “ Set w ith Strange Slips” ^VEN straws are showing “which way the wind blows.” Of the last days, in which “the nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters” (Isa. ’17:13), it is written: “Therefore shalt thou [Gentiles] plant pleasant plants, and shall set it [the desolate land] with strange slips” (Isa. 17 : Soon after the war, millions of vine slips and other plants were shipped to Palestine. . . . Now, through modern railway connections, table grapes are conveyed from Palestine to Egypt, and ar.e in twenty-four hours on the table for consumption. 0 — “Fields Shall Be Bought in th is Land” I IKE as I have brought all. this great evil upon this peo- J pie, so will I bring upon them all the good that I have promised them. And fields shall be bought .in this land. . . . Men shall buy fields for money” (Jer. 32:37-44). Study the context fully, and you will see that this prophecy of Jeremiah awaits its complete fulfillment—- awaits the day when Jehovah shall “bring upon them [the Jews ]all the,good,” that He has promised them. The fulfillment of that promise is not to be left wholly to the fortunes of war. “Fields shall bê bought for money.” In view of this prophecy, the following item,from The British Weekly becomes quite interesting: How is the Jew getting his land for colonies? In every case, by purchase; and if fault Is to be found it is mainly with the “real estate Arab agents” . . . In no case,., has the Jew received a yard ; of land except by . purchase. And when he has got the land, he has shown what can be made of it . : . Indeed, wherever you see a fruitful piece of land, you may safely infer/ that it is a Jewish colony. “As th e Days of Noah” ' A S the days of Noah were” (Matt. 24:37, 38). “God i l s a w that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart vyas only evil continually . . . And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had cor­ rupted his way upon the earth” (Gen. 6:5, 12). “The days of Noah” were simply days'of utter moral collapse. Such a condition follows the breaking up of the home. When the home collapses, moral collapse is in­ evitable. Meditate upon this news item: Carson City, Nev., March 6.—In order to retain the State’s $3,000,000 annual divorce business, the Assembly of the Nevada Legislature today passed a bill providing that applicants for matrimonial freedom may file their complaints and obtain a decree after a residence of only three weeks. The Senate also is expected to pass the bill. Think of i t ! A sovereign State seeks to replenish its treasury by making easy the wreckage of its homes! — 10) ; that is, “cuttings of plants from far.” Now read this news item :

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