December 2023

All I want for Christmas is...

CASSY MEISENHEIMER all my bills paid!

TERRI SANDEFUR a hippopotamus.

ALANA MOREL a shopping spree at the pawn shop.

KARA HUMPHREY books, comfy shoes, and weekly massages.

MATT CORNELIUS for people not to be offended by saying, “Merry Christmas.”

LEAH ORR world peace and dinner with Andy Cohen.

BRITT EARNEST style, because I’ve lost it!


KRISTIN DAVIS a few days in my pj’s by the fireplace.

BAILEY GRAVITT to lose 40 pounds.

TERRI GRAVITT a ring, but not for my right hand!

MEGAN GRIFFIN a soda machine that dispenses Chick-fil-A Diet Coke only.


GRACI HENARD a kitten that I can train to go on hikes with me.

TIFFANY HORTON a tropical vacation.

ANDREW McELHANY cold fronts and lots of ducks!

RAY SANDEFUR a north wind and blue skies.



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