business envoy September 2023


Minister’s foreword

Delivering new trade and investment opportunities

Minister’s Foreword


Promoting First Nations entrepreneurship


Australia’s Nation Brand showcased globally


The September 2023 issue of Business Envoy contains a host of topics reflecting the Australian Government’s focus on delivering new trade and investment opportunities for the Australian community and business sector.

The 7th Australia-China High Level Dialogue


Australia and Indonesia collaborate on skills development


We are reaching out into the region with great intent with the launch of Invested: Australia’s Southeast Economic Strategy to 2040 to deepen Australia’s economic engagement and provide a practical pathway to increase Australia’s two-way trade and investment with one of the fastest-growing regions in the world. This engagement received a boost with the announcement in August of the Indonesia- Australia Skills Development Pilot, illustrating how we are deepening both economic links with our near neighbour through greater mobility of professionals while also increasing the cultural understanding between our two countries. The Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement is delivering new commercial opportunities for Australian exporters, with tariff-free raw sugar exports to the UK resuming for the first time in 50 years. Applications open this month for a streamlined two-way visa

pathway so that eligible UK citizens with requisite skills can live and work in Australia, enhancing innovation among Australian companies and developing new commercial opportunities. In July, Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers recognised the 40th year of the Closer Economic Relations (CER) trade agreement as a special milestone in the bilateral relationship. We have continued to strengthen our economic partnership with New Zealand to meet regional and global challenges and I was pleased to host my New Zealand counterpart in August where we agreed to work more closely on sustainable and inclusive trade. You can read more on this and the history of the CER in our “then and now” feature. Our cover story on the Australian sports team that shattered match attendance records, our mighty Matildas, explains how Australia’s Nation Brand was showcased around the world

Responsible business guidelines


Australia and the UK Early Careers Skills Exchange


during the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. We were proud to co-host this significant event with New Zealand. The spotlight brought thousands of visitors to our shores and a much larger audience around the world captured by the unique stories of Australian excellence and innovation, our long history, vibrant diversity, and rich indigenous culture. We encourage Australian businesses to take up Nation Brand assets and help promote Australia to the world.

In the last year, there have been a number of positive developments in the Australia-China trade relationship, including China’s removal of duties applying to Australian barley exports, effective 5 August, which paves the way for all Australian exporters to re-enter the Chinese market. But trade impediments continue to negatively impact some Australian exports. I will continue to advocate strongly for the timely and full resumption of normal trade for all sectors so that mutually beneficial trade can resume. I trust you will enjoy this issue of Business Envoy.

Above: Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Trade and Tourism, at the Closer Economic Relations Ministerial Meeting in Adelaide, August 11, 2023.

Australia set to shine at Expo 2025


Engaging trade professionals with the ITN


Australia and New Zealand CER Then and Now


Trade diversification in the Western Australian economy


A call to WA business: showcase investment opportunities


The Australian Government continues to work hard on

negotiations with the EU and India to secure trade agreements that meet our national interests. Efforts continue to stabilise relations with China. We believe it is in both Australia’s and China’s interests for all trade impediments to be removed.

Addressing gender barriers with rugby in Samoa


Regional Spotlight: Flavourtech expands to the Netherlands


Senator The Hon Don Farrell Minister for Trade and Tourism

Mitsubishi Group internship offers insights on CSR in Japan


Aldridge Railway Signals named Indigenous Exporter of the Year



On the cover:

We are committed to ensuring Business Envo y is a useful resource and we value your input.

From the DFAT Chief Economist


The Matildas in a huddle. Read how Australia’s Nation Brand was showcased globally during the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ on page 6.

Global Insights


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Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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