business envoy September 2023

Global Insights continued

London: Showcasing Australian Indigenous fashion during fashion week The Australian High Commission in London held a catwalk fashion show during London Fashion Week (15-19 September) featuring traditional and contemporary looks by First Nations designers such as Kirrikin, Liandra, MAARA Collective, Ngali, Kamara and Mimi & Jiinda. The show builds on online forays into the UK market by the designers, and coincides with an art exhibition at Australia House. The new Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement is assisting Australian artists and creators by providing royalties to Australian artists when their original works of art are resold in the UK.

Taipei: 36th Joint Conference of the Australia- Taiwan Business Councils The Australian Office in Taipei recently joined our business councils, business representatives and officials for the 36th Joint Conference of the Australia-Taiwan Business Councils held in Taipei on 14-16 August. The joint conference has been a long-running event to promote trade and economic links between Australia and Taiwan and attendees were delighted to have the meeting

back in Taipei in person for the first time since the pandemic. Australian and Taiwanese business representatives, alongside colleagues from the Australian Office, joined discussions around this year’s theme ‘Resilient Energy’, which included sessions on Energy transition, Smart Agriculture, Health & Wellbeing, and Cyber Security. The conference also included a day of industry site visits to the Taipei Computer Association, Taiwan Tech Arena and the Taiwan Power company to further explore

opportunities in Taiwan’s ICT industry, start-ups and renewable energy. Taiwan is Australia’s seventh largest two-way goods and services trading partner, with trade worth $42.8 billion in 2022. Congratulations to the Australia- Taiwan Business Councils on a successful joint conference!



business envoy

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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