business envoy September 2023

Promoting First Nations entrepreneurship and fostering collaborations in the global market

Supporting the excellence, ideas and unique offerings of First Nations businesses when seeking to expand into international markets is a key priority for the Australian Government.

“When we support First Nations businesses, we not only create economic opportunities, but we also preserve and celebrate the rich cultural heritage. These businesses share our ancient stories; showcase resilience, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit of First Nations people.”

Austrade’s Landing Pad in Singapore supports Australian technology scale-ups to land and expand in key global tech markets. It typically provides support in sector focused cohorts such as medical, finance, agricultural and clean technologies. Austrade recently partnered with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to host nine remarkable First Nations businesses as part of a Singapore Landing Pad immersion week. It was the first time the Landing Pad has run a program dedicated to supporting First Nations businesses to enter Singapore. “This program is a wonderful opportunity, and I would highly recommend it to other Indigenous businesses.”

The participating businesses represented a diversity of First Nations talent across various industries such as fashion, agritech, cosmetics and food and beverages. The businesses brought unique cultural identity, creativity, and innovation, showcasing the rich tapestry of Australian First Nations entrepreneurship. The program sought to provide participants with the essential tools and insights needed for exporting success in the Singapore market. This included receiving insights into the market from experienced Australian exporters, masterclasses on branding and sector-specific deep dive workshops. The program also offered curated site visits to renowned Singaporean retailers such as NTUC FairPrice Group, Cold Storage Singapore, Design Orchard, Little Farms and Singapore’s largest traditional mushroom farm.

“It has shown us that export is achievable and within reach, even for small businesses.”

Dale Vocale from Jarrah Boy

A highlight of the program was the showcase event held at Australian restaurant Kaarla, where potential partners, distributors and influencers gathered to meet the First Nations entrepreneurs and try their product samples. This provided the opportunity for participants to generate substantial interest from potential foreign investors and build the people to people links that drive business collaborations. Events like this underscore the importance of practical outcomes in a First Nations approach to foreign policy, where entrepreneurship and diplomacy intersect to create

Mr Justin Mohamed, Australia’s Ambassador for First Nations People

opportunities for economic growth, cultural exchange, and mutual understanding. The pilot visit was supported by Justin Mohamed, Australia’s Ambassador for First Nations People, Australian High Commissioner to Singapore Allaster Cox, and Amelia Walsh, Austrade’s Trade and Investment Commissioner to Singapore. They were accompanied by proud First Nations woman Melanie Harris, Austrade’s Trade and Investment Commissioner to Kuala Lumpur. The Landing Pad highlights the importance of Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, that sets out a practical pathway for Australia to respond to emerging trade trends and investment opportunities across key sectors in Southeast Asia and matching those with Australian capabilities. With thanks to those participating businesses: Liandra Swim, Ihraa Swim, Rainstick, Jarrah Boy, Figjam & Co, Kakadu Organics, Yaye, Kitikiti and Balu.

Left; Trade Delegation with Allaster Cox, Australian High Commisioner to Singapore Top; Kylie Bradford, CEO Kakadu Organics at the showcase event held at Australian restaurant Kaarla

Melissa Cole from Yaye

Are you a First Nations Business exporting or interested in exporting? Austrade is equipped to assist exporters or aspiring exporters. Learn more about opportunities, visit:



business envoy

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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