Samantha Sambrooke is the Director of Teacher Training at the Maritime Yoga College. As an RHN (Registered Holistic Nutritionist) she combines her knowledge of healthy living into her trainings and workshops. Samantha holds regular cooking demonstrations, teaches several weekly yoga classes and is the lead trainer for a 200-hour yoga teacher certification on PEI. For more info visit
What Is Your Gut Telling You?
In my yoga classes, I’m always asking students to listen to their bodies. To stay connected to what they’re feeling and how they’re breathing to make sure they’re moving safely. Paying attention to the feedback our bodies provide us with is also useful when it comes to the foods we eat. Sensations of bloating, feeling sluggish, cravings for sweet and salty foods and poor digestion can all be signs you need a shift in your diet. And with the changing of the season, there is no better time! According to Ayurveda, a 2000-5000-year-old holistic healing system from India, consuming a mono-diet of split mung beans and rice (Kitchari) for even one to three days, is a great way to reset the body. This nourishing and delicious meal is also very easy to digest. Split mung beans can be found at most Asian markets around Charlottetown. Fermented foods such as miso paste, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi, are a way to get the digestive fires burning. These foods are rich in powerful enzymes, vitamins and most importantly, various strains of probiotics. These strains improve the healthy bacteria in the gut and boost immunity. Miso paste can be found in the natural section of most grocery stores.
Yoga Suggestions: Focus on chair pose, plank pose, twists and breath of fire to aid in digestion and detoxification.
Journaling Exercise: What thoughts come to mind when you ask yourself, "What is my gut telling me?"
50 FALL 2017
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