King's Business - 1957-07

Five Transient' Flames see page 37


Ground breaking for new $3 million campus |

Below, Chancellor Talbot turns tra­ ditional shovel of dirt as BIOLA Board Chairman Ray A. Myers looks on at left. On right are Mrs. Lyman Stewart, widow of school's co-founder; Mrs. Clarence Wells, daughter of Co-Founder T. C. Horton; Miss Edith Torrey, daughter of first dean; and Mrs. Paul Walker, another daughter of T . C. Horton.

Since 1910 the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has been located in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. As the Institute grew into four separate schools (Bible Institute, BIOLA College, School of Mission­ ary Medicine, Talbot Theological Seminary) it became increasingly important to find larger quarters. A fortnight ago ground was broken in suburban La Mirada for a new $3 million campus to be ready by September 1958. Above photo shows Chancellor Louis T. Talbot speaking during ceremony that was attended by overflow crowd of 3,500.

Before ceremony Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, director of the Talbot Theological Seminary, talks with Miss Edith Torrey.

Others on hand for ground breaking were famed Methodist Minister Bob Shuler (left) and Missionary Dick Hillis. Hillis, who heads Orient Crusades, is a BIOLA graduate ('32) and a long-time missionary to China. Both speakers told of the important role played by BIOLA graduates at home and around the world.

This huge signboard faces Biola Avenue.

While a hot California sun beat down from a cloudless sky, School President Dr. S. H. Sutherland told audience that after the long months of waiting and planning and praying it was a deep joy to know the actual construction would start at once.

The King's Business/July 1957

Formula for a growing Sunday School

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller POWER

lle llo , Mr. Peabody,” three-year-old * ■Mark greeted a strange motorist waiting at the same traffic light as we. A pleasant faced, grandfatherly gentleman looked toward our car, smiled at the lad and said, “H i!” As he carefully threaded his way through the heavy traffic, big brother Bill took time to say, “Mark, that man might get after you for calling him ‘Mr. Peabody.’ You don’t know him.” “ No, he won’t get me, Bill, ’cause I smiled to him.” Mark’s dear little face shone as he explained the reason for his being unafraid to greet the stranger. Mother wanted to hug him. “Talk about power,” Mother mur­ mured, half to herself, half to anyone interested. “ If Mark continues in that vein, he’ll be a master psychologist by the time he’s an adult. You’ll have to admit that the little fellow surely has an engaging smile.” “He is a cute bug,” Bill agreed. “ He reminds me of Bob.” “ You can’t possibly know how much he is like Bob, especially when Bob was that age. You’re too close to Bob to remember when he was three and four years old. But if you keep your eyes on Mark, you’ll see a close counterpart to your older brother. Bob had such a friendly, warm, out­ going personality. He reached out to people in love and they returned in kind. Mark seems to be headed the same way. “ It seems to me,” Mother continued, “ if we’d take time to analyze what real power is, what its component parts are, we’d have to admit it is pure love. Love, the kind which is shed abroad in the hearts of believers by Christ, is constructive, building, healing. That’s real power. The pow­ er of unregenerate mankind which is built on brute force is cruel and de­ structive. Maybe the reason for the powerlessness of the true church in this day lies in the lack of warm love and the sincere smile. We try to prove our power by pushing our weight around, and since that isn’t God’s way we are impotent. ‘A merry heart doeth good like medicine . . .’ (Prov. 17:22). ‘Though I speak . . . though I have the gift . . . though I have all faith . . . though I give my body . . . and have not love, it profiteth me nothing’ (1 Cor. 13:1-3). “ ‘I smiled to him.’ Lord, give us more of that kind of power.”




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THE KING’S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board JU LY

In the year of our Saviour

Vol. 48, No. 7

Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

ARTICLES NEWS IN PHOTOS ......... ................................................... ......................... 2 FIRST AUCA IN AMERICA — Photo Story ....................... 9 PRAYER AND MY MARRIAGE — George Muller ........................ ..... 10 COUNSELING & PERSONAL MATURITY — Robert J. St. Clair ...... 12 POEMS— Helen Frazee-Bower ..................................................................... 13 CHRIST ACCORDING TO YOU — Ray C. Stedmon .................. 14 WANDERING IN WONDERLAND — Vance Havner ........................ 18 PRAYER FOR A PRESIDENT .......................................................................... 21 FIVE TRANSIENT FLAMES — Special book review — Lucy Barajikian 37 MISSIONS Village Matriarch — Erma Walker ................................. ................ .......... 27 FEATURES UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........ ........ 4 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ...................................... ...... 6 READER REACTION ............................................................... . 7 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ............... ...... 8 OUT OF THE LAB: The Bible & Science — Donald S. Robertson ...... 20 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ................ 24 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg . .......................... 25 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 26 SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES: ROMANS — Chester J. Padgett 28 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP The Hidden Valley Incident — Leonard Eilers ............................. 29 July Puzzle — Vincent Edwards ....................................................... 34 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ....................................... 40 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore .. 41 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ...................................................... 38 COVER Last year five young American missionaries were slain by savage Auca Indians (K.B., April 1956). Pictured on this month's cover is Elisabeth Elliot (wife of one of the murdered men) and blonde daughter, Valerie. Mrs. Elliot has written a book that tells the story of the five and their wives. It is a story that is both terrible and tender. For a review see page 37. Photo/Cornell Capa, Magnum & Life


¿t to d a y !

S C R I P T U R E P R E S S Dept. KBA-77 1825 College Avenue, Wheaton,III. THE STORY OF A SMILE AND A GLASS OF LEMONADE The other day I read a story in the trade magazine, Printers' Ink, that really brightened my day. The writer (an ad­ vertising executive) told how he went home early one hot afternoon and passed a gay seven-year-old on his block who was selling home-made lemonade. She called out, "A nice glass of lemonade will make you smile.” The executive said that was the best sales talk he’d heard in months. Isn’t it the small, sincere things in life that really count ? Recall what Christ said about even giving a cup o f cold water in His name. We get so very many letters from readers telling us how a friend or loved one gave them a gift subscription to The King’s Business. And then they tell us how the magazine has transformed their lives. Won’t you give a gift subscription today? The cost is only $3 for a full year. You need send no money now; we’ll bill you later. Just fill out blank and mail to us at 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor LUCY BAR A JIKIAN ; copy editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

LLOYD HAM ILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

editorial assistants: Carolyn Nyquist, Earnestine Ritter, Gladys Smith editorial board: Donald G. Davis, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Margaret Jacobsen, Chester J. Padgett, Donald S. Robertson, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $ 1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at speciaf rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month far a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to #yThe King's Business/' ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R.. authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

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The King's Business/July 1957


y j * w jou o L ol

M a rym n ô by Phil Kerr


The whole

incredible story of the jungle

Master, the Tempest is Raging

“ W h ile I was away on a mis­ sionary tour,” writes a Gospel worker of the American Mission to Greeks, “ m y w ife told me she had gone to call on the president of our village who was seriously ill. Although w e all knew that he was an atheist, m y w ife dared to talk to him about his soul. He listened to her and seemed to drink in her words. Suddenly m y w ife burst into tears. His heart of stone broke. The strange words he had heard touched his soul. He immediately asked his wife to help him get on his knees and pray— for the first time in his life! When m y w ife was ready to leave, he warm ly pressed her hand and assured her they would meet in heaven. A few days a fter­ ward he passed a w a y ” Our missionaries endure priva­ tions, persecution and long hours of labor, but it all seems worth­ while when it results in souls be­ ing w on to Christ. W hat really hurts is not to be able to travel as extensively as possible to tell the Good News, or not to have enough New Testaments to place in the hand of every spiritually thirsting soul who asks for one. As one old lady who came to Christ recently said, “ I might have died without hearing of H im .” Your gifts for missionary work and Scripture distribution help to supply this lack and result in m any souls com ing to know Christ who might have died with­ out this knowledge. For on ly $1.00 you can provide a Greek Bible or 4 N ew Testaments, or with any amount up to $50 a month you can help to support a native worker regularly. The results w ill count for eternity. You may have your own missionary as­ signed to you to pray and give for, and from whom to receive reports. Just write to the Am er­ ican Mission to Greeks, Inc., the Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, N ew York 36, N .Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.)

Words by Mary A. Baker. Music by H. R. Palmer.

missionary martyrs The Auca spear that killed missionary pilot Nate Saint- wrapped with a Gospel tract dropped from his plane

■pile author was born September 16, 1831. Orphaned at an early age, she lived in Chicago with a sister and brother. Just as she had attained young womanhood, her dearly-loved brother was stricken with the same disease which had taken her father and mother — consumption. The two sisters, in unfortunate financial cir­ cumstances, managed to get enough money together to send their brother to Florida, t h i n k i n g t h e climate would prolong his life. Within a few weeks he passed away; they were financially unable to bring his body home or to go to Florida themselves. “Although we mourned not as those without hope,” wrote Miss Baker, “ and although I had believed on Christ in early childhood and had always desired to give the Master a consecrated and obedient life, I be­ came wickedly rebellious at this dis­ pensation of divine providence. I said in my heart that God did not care for me or mine. But the Master’s own voice stilled the tempest in my un­ sanctified heart and brought it to the calm of a deeper faith and trust.” A short time after, she was request­ ed by Dr. H. R. Palmer to write a song-poem in keeping with a current Sunday school lesson, “ Christ stilling the tempest.” Her own recent experi­ ence gave her the necessary inspira­ tion, and she quickly produced a p o em w h i c h Dr. Palmer highly praised and to which he set music. During the latter part of her life, Miss Baker became an ardent worker for the W.C.T.U. Horatio Richmond Palmer was bom in Sherburne, N.Y., April 26, 1834. He sang in a choir at nine, began writing music at 18, studied in Ger­ many and Italy, returned to America and became a teacher, conductor, editor, author and composer. The Concordia Magazine in Chicago was founded by him in 1866. For many years he conducted the 4,000-voice New York City Choral Union. More than 50 publications bear his name, including songbooks, choir collections and theoretical works. His best-known songs include, “ Yield not to Tempta­ tion,” “ G a l i l e e , Sweet Galilee,” “ Come Sinner Come,” and “Master the Tempest is Raging.” He died in New York, November 15, 1907.

N oth in g in modem literature has dramatized so strikingly the colli­ sion of old and new, of faith and primitive superstition as T hrough G ates of S plendor . . . the saga of the five young missionary martyrs who, in their small plane, were the first in centuries to penetrate the dread land of the Auca Indians with the Christian Gospel — only to be ambushed and slain with savage lances. Y et transcending the trag­ edy of this amazing Christian ad­ venture — now known to the whole world as “ Operation Auca” — was the five’s unquenchable faith in the ultimate purposes of God and their joyous devotion to Christ which constantly break through the epi­ sodes in this book — much of it ex­ pressed in their own diaries and messages. Leaders Praise It Vr, “ T hrough G ates of S plendor proves conclusively that first-cen­ tury devotion to Christ, even to martyrdom, is still alive.” | — V„ RAYMOND EDMAN, President o f Wheaton College “ A powerful portrayal of the Chris­ tian dedication to which the modern world is a stranger.” — FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, Evangelical Book Club “ Rem iniscent o f the m issionary ! stamina and sacrifice of the apos- \ tolic age.” — CARL F. H. HENRY, Editor, Christianity Today T he A uthor , widow of one o f the martyred five, is one of the wives I who lived in the jungle as active partners in the fateful expedition. 64 Pages of Amazing Photographs by the missionaries and CORNELL CAPA “An epic missionary saga.’’-^ ™ " '^ jf T H R O U G

By ELISABETH ELLIOT Foreword by Abe C. Van Der Puy At your bookseller $3.75 HARPER & BROTHERS, N. Y. 16




Every Tuesday

Sirs: Thank m y God, and also thank you very much. The K.B. has been m y favorite magazine. Every Tues­ day morning I pray for the K.B. I like it, so that I want to read it every month. Kowloon, Hong Kong Yeung Shiu Ching S D Â (cont'd) Sirs: I thank God for the bold, uncom­ promising stand you have taken down the years on the great funda­ mentals of the faith. I am so glad for your series on Seventh-day A d ­ ventism. M any people are greatly confused, especially since the arti­ cles appeared in E tern ity magazine. Carlton, Ore. Edgar B. Luther, D.D., Pastor Grace Baptist Church Sirs: I wish to congratulate you on your fearless stand against the views of the editors of E tern ity. I believe those articles in E tern ity have done more harm to evangelicalism and more good for the Adventists than any of their own propaganda. A p ­ parently so many have been snared into this d e l u s i o n from other churches that they have “ leavened” the Adventists with fundamental views. This w ill on ly make it easier for them to get a hearing among professing Christians. Narrowsburg, N .Y. Rev. William G. Lowe, Pastor Berlin Bible Church Correction (S even th -day Adven tist M in ister L. A . W ilcox has called attention to an error in the A pril issue w here he was m entioned as an ed itor o f ‘'Signs o f the T im es.” H e states that he was n ev er an ed itor, on ly a w riter fo r that magazine. A ctua lly it was M r. W ilcox ’s fa th er who was a long-tim e ed itor o f “ Signs o f the T im es.” — E D .)

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"A frica is like an exploding mass of y e a st." He adds: “Today’s Africa may not know exactly where it is go­ ing, but it is on the march, and marching fast toward Western standards.” W ill it e x p lo d e toward Christianity? Will it march toward God or into the civilized paganism of the mod* ern world? It’s your decision. You have the responsibility to give the Word of God to the continent of Africa. PTL is giving away Gospels at the rate of 30,000 a week. So many eager hands are reaching for them that the Word of God has to be rationed. You can help today by sending your gift to A lfred A . Kunz, International Director Tlie Pocket Testament League 156 Fifth Avenue New York 10,' N .Y. m m c a r i- I MESSIANICFELLOWSHIP Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission Radio to the State of Israel Daily 8 :3 0 - 9 P.M. Workers in Jerusalem and many Amer­ ican cities. Hear how God is working! Write today to: MILTON B. LINDBERG — or ARCHIE A. MACKINNEY 7448 N. Damen Aye., Chicago 45/ III, A Penny a Day [ (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) \ W ill give spiritual sight to the blind ^ HOW? For information write to THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND, INC. Founded in 1929 ►430 East 141st Street - New York 54, N .Y. j •John BinnS/ Pres. James E. Bennett, Treas. < Rev. John Ernest Brown, Field Rep.

MB I’s three-year, tuition-free training is open to high school students who meet In­ stitute standards. This training is made possible by the gifts and prayers of faithful stewards — men and women who are counting on young people like you to carry the gospel and maintain a strong testimony — in full-time Christian service, business, professional life, or in the home. MB I’s Student Placement Office helps hun­ dreds o f students find part-time employ­ ment each year. Down through the years, Moody students have earned an excellent reputation with employers in the Chicago area and their services are in demand. at MBI you choose from EIGHT carefully planned basic courses . . .

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Accredited by Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges

Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

The King's Business/July 1957


representative to the directorship of the school’s field department. This year his department was to chalk up one of its most successful years. But before the fiscal books could be bal­ anced in July, George Richardson, 57, was dead. Cause of death was listed

Frykman, . . Apparently this request stems from a desire to add another volume on the American way of life to their huge collection.” (The Mos­ cow library is one of the largest in the world, containing well over 12 million volumes.) And in Greensboro, N.C., Rev. Paul E. Freed, newly returned from Russia, found that the greatest paradox in Russia today, at least to the American mind, is that Russia has many Chris­ tians who are also professed Com­ munists. Said one young Russian to him, “ Of course, you know that Jesus Christ was a Communist and the Bible teaches Communism. Therefore, all good Christians are Communists.” And because Russian Christians are, after all, a part of the Soviet system, Freed feels that they might either regard it as dangerous to criticize it or else they really do believe that “ all good Chris­ tians are Communists.” Freed is presi­ dent of International Evangelism, an independent missionary organization that operates the international Chris­ tian radio station, Voice of Tangier, located in North Africa. In Grand Rapids, Mich., Zondervan Publishing House announced the prize winners for its fifth $5,000 Interna­ tional Christian Fiction Contest. Out of the 150 manuscripts submitted, first prize went to Mrs. Phyllis Woodruff Sapp of Oklahoma City, Okla. for her novel The Small Giant and second prize to Mrs. Sallie Lee Bell of New Orleans, La. who wrote The Barrier.

A monthly column of names in the news Along with the thousands of de­ cisions being made at Madison Square Garden, there came one from Billy Graham's Executive Committee of the Greater New York Crusade. In order to forestall a picket threat made by the Stagehands’ Union, the Committee agreed to pay $300 each week to two Union members. The Committee rea­ soned that it wouldn’t be right to keep someone away from Christ because of $300. The job of the two Union men? To deliver one pitcher of water to Billy Graham each night which Gra­ ham doesn’t drink but which the Un­ ion insists he needs anyway. One of the toughest jobs for inde­ pendent schools and colleges falls on the men hired by them to raise money. When the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles picked George M. Richardson in May 1953 they picked a man with a rather sound background for such a job. He was a graduate of the Uni­ versity of Kansas (where he was con­ sidered a more-than-average football player). After graduation he was a salesman for a jewelry concern and then in 1933 he entered the ministry as a pastor in the Brethren Church. At B iola he quickly rose from a field A d V t t l lC G /Information August will be our third annual Christianity issue. This is the issue that we devote en­ tirely to presenting the claims of Christ to those who have not yet received Him as Saviour. This is your once-a-year opportunity to place this unique issue into the hands of a friend or loved one. There is absolutely nothing like this in any other magazine. The entire issue is planned from cover to cover to appeal to the non-believer. And this special issue is en­ tirely different from either of the two pre­ ceding ones. Many o f you will want to order several hundred copies to be either mailed out by us or to be given out by you. Make up your list now. (If you really can’t think o f a single person who would be helped by such a message then get the names from your phone book.) In order for us to plan our printing order we must have your list within the next 10 days. This is very important. You may use the order blank at right. Use plain paper for additional orders.

George Richardson For a tough job, an ex-jootball player.

as a kidney infection that had not been diagnosed until it was beyond medical treatment. In Wheaton, 111., Scripture Press received an order from the govern­ ment library in Moscow, Russia for one of its publications, “ How to Suc­ ceed with the Home Department.” Said Public Relations Head W. C.

Christianity Issue — Order Blank 2 ,yC each; y for $ i Name_______________________________________________________________________ _________________ Please Print Address___________________________ ;__________________________ _____________________________________________ City------——----------------------------------- Zone__________ State_____________________ Name_________________________________ Address______________________________ ______________________________________________________________ City--------------------------------._____________ Zone_________ State _____________________ Name____________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ ____________________ City---------------------------------------- Zone__________ State_________________________ Name___________________ _________________________________________________________ Addr e s s _ ________________________________________________;_________ ________________________ City---------------------------------------------- - Zone_________ State____ Name________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Address____________________________________ ________________ ______ ______________________________ City-------------------------------------- Zone__________ State______________________ The King's Business 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.



sionary Nate Saint) to use Dayuma as an informant. W ycliffe workers are patiently piecing together the difficult lan­ guage of the Aucas with the help of Dayuma. She seems a w illing work­ er and has no desire to go back to to her tribe because she knows it would mean death. But she is still a hold out as far as accepting Christianity is concerned. W ycliffe workers are confident, however, that the day w ill soon come when this young Auca woman w ill be­ lieve the message she is helping to put into writing. END.

g i n c e January of last year the word “ Auca ” has been blazed in headlines around the world (see page 37). Few outsiders had ever seen one of these savage stone-age Indians from Ecuador until a fortnight ago when the first Auca came to Am er­ ica. She is Dayuma and she came to appear on a coast-to-coast T V program that had an estimated 40- m illion viewers. The photo on this page was taken in the T V studio in Burbank, Calif. The story behind this program is a dramatic one.

Dayuma escaped from her tribe and found a haven on the planta­ tion o f Don Carlos Sevilla. About two years ago a worker w ith the famed W y cliffe Bible Translators (706 h ighly skilled linguists work­ ing on unwritten languages around the world) w a s c h a t t i n g with Sevilla’s son who was working in a bank. Young Sevilla just hap­ pened to mention that his father had an Auca working for him. That was the long prayed for contact. Don Carlos graciously per­ mitted W ycliffe workers (among them the sister of martyred mis­


The King's Business/July 1957

From the journal of George Muller


I had reason to believe that I had begotten an affection in the heart of Miss Groves for me, and that therefore I ought to make a pro­ posal of marriage to her, however unkindly I might appear to act to m y dear friend and brother, Mr. Hake, and to ask God to give him a suitable helper to succeed Miss Groves. On Aug. 15th, 1830, I therefore wrote to her, proposing to her to become m y w ife, and on Aug. 19th, when I went over as usual to Exeter for preaching, she accepted me. The first thing we did after I was accepted was to fall on our knees, and to ask the blessing o f the Lord on our intended union. In about two or three weeks the Lord, in answer to prayer, found an indi­ vidual, who seemed suitable to act as housekeeper, whilst Mrs. Hake continued ill; and on Oct. 7, 1830, we were united in marriage. Our marriage was of the most simple character. W e walked to church, had no wedding breakfast, but in the afternoon had a meeting of Christian friends in Mr. Hake’s h o u s e a n d commemorated th e Lord’s death; and then I drove off in the stagecoach with m y beloved bride to Teignmouth, and the next day we went to work for the Lord. Simple as our beginning was, and unlike the habits of the world, for Christ’s sake, so our godly aim has been to continue ever since. N ow see the hand o f God in giv­ ing me m y dearest w ife: 1) that address of Miss. Paget’s was given to me under the ordering of God;

me the address of a Christian broth­ er, Mr. Hake, who had an infant boarding school for young ladies and gentlemen, at Northemhay House the former residence o f Mr. A . N. Groves, in order that I might stay there on m y arrival in Exeter from Teignmouth. T o this place I went at the appointed time. Miss Groves, afterwards m y be­ loved w ife, was there; for Mrs. Hake had been an invalid for a long time, and Miss Groves helped Mr. Hake in his great affliction b y superintending his household mat­ ters. M y first visit led to m y going again to preach at Poltimore after the lapse of a month and I stayed again at Mr. Hake’s house. And this second visit led to m y preach­ ing once a week in a chapel at Exe­ ter; and thus I went, week after week, from Teignmouth to Exeter, each time staying with Mr. Hake. A ll this time m y purpose had been, not to marry at all, but to remain free for traveling about in the service of the gospel; but after some months I saw, for many rea­ sons, that it was better for me, as a young pastor, under 25 years of age, to be married. The question now was, to whom should I be united? Miss Groves was before m y m ind; but the prayerful conflict was long, before I came to a decision; for I could not bear the thought that I should take away from Mr. Hake this valued helper, as Mrs. Hake continued still unable to take the responsibility of so large a household. But I prayed again and again. A t last this decided me,

In V ol. 3 of uThe N a r r a t i v e M r . M u ller shows the ordering of God in his m eeting w ith and subsequent marriage to his first w ife, M iss Ma r y Groves. * * * In giving her to me, I own the hand of God; nay, His hand was most marked; and m y soul says, “ Thou art good, and doest good.” I refer to a few particulars for the instruction of others. W hen at the end of the year 1829, I left London to labor in Devonshire in the gospel, a brother in the Lord gave to m e a card, containing the address o f a well-known Christian lady, Miss Paget, who then resided in Exeter, in order that I should call on her, as she was an excellent Christian. I took this address and put it into m y pocket, but thought little of calling on her. Three weeks I car­ ried this card in m y pocket, without making an effort to see this lady; but at last I was led to do so. This was God’s way of giving me m y excellent wife. Miss Paget asked me to preach the last Tuesday in the month of January, 1830, at the room which she had fitted up at Poltimore, a village near Exeter, and where M r. A. N. Groves, after­ wards m y b r o t h e r - i n - l a w , had preached once a month, before he went out as a missionary to Bagdad. I accepted readily the invitation, as I longed, everywhere to set forth the precious truth of the Lord’s return, and other deeply important truths, which not long before m y own soul had been filled with. .rOn leaving Miss Paget, she gave


2 ) I must at last be made to call on her, though I had long delayed it; 3 ) she might have provided a resting-place with some other Chris­ tian friend, where I should not have seen Miss Groves; 4 ) m y mind might have at last, after all, decided not to make a proposal to her; but God settled the matter thus in speaking to me through m y con­ science — you know that you have begotten a ffection in th e heart o f this Christian sister b y th e w ay you have acted towards her, and th erefore, painful though it m ay be, to appear to act unkind ly towards you r friend and brother, you ought to make her a proposal. I obeyed. I wrote the letter in which I made the proposal, and nothing but one even stream of blessing has been the result. Let me here add a word o f Chris­ tian counsel. To enter upon the marriage union is one of the most deeply important events o f life. It cannot be too prayerfu lly treated. Our happiness, our usefulness, our living for God or for ourselves afterwards, are often most inti­ mately connected with our choice. Therefore, in the most prayerful manner, this choice should be made. Neither beauty, nor age, nor money, nor mental powers, should be that which prompts the decision; but 1) much waiting upon God for guidance should be used; , 2 ) a hearty purpose to be w illing to be guided b y H im should be aimed after; 3 ) true godliness without shadow of a doubt should be the

first and absolutely needful quali­ fication to a Christian with regard to a companion for life. In addition to this, however, it ought to be at the same time calm ly and patiently weighed, whether, in other respects, there is a suitableness. For instance, fo r an educated man to choose an entirely unedu­ cated woman, is unwise; fo r how ­ ever much on his part love might be willing to cover the defect, it will work very unhappily with re­ gard to the children. * * * In July, 1853, it pleased the Lord to try m y faith in a w ay in which before it had not been tried. M y beloved daughter arid on ly child, and a believer since the commence­ ment of the year 1846, was taken ill on June 20th. This illness, at first a low fever, turned to typhus. On July 3rd there seemed no hope o f her recovery. N ow was the trial o f faith. But faith triumphed. M y beloved wife and I were enabled to give her up into the hands of the Lord. He sus­ tained us both exceedingly. But I w i l l o n l y speak about myself. Though m y on ly and beloved child was brought near the grave, yet was m y soul in perfect peace, satis­ fied w ith the w ill of m y heavenly Father, being a s s u r e d that He would on ly do that for her and her parents, which in the end would be the best. She continued very ill till about July 20th, when restoration' began. On Aug. 18th she was so far re­ stored that she could be removed

to Clevedon for change of air, though exceedingly weak. It was then 59 days since she was first taken ill. Parents know what an on ly child, a beloved child is, and what to believing parents an on ly child, a believing child must be. W ell, the Father in heaven said, as it were, b y this His dispensation, “ A rt thou w illing to give up this child to m e?” M y heart responded, A s it seem s good to T h ee, m y h eaven ly Father. T h y w ill b e done. But as our hearts were made w ill­ ing to give back our beloved child to H im who had given her to us, so He was ready to leave her to us, and she lived. “ Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires o f thine heart” (Psa. 3 7 :4 ). The desires of m y heart were, to retain the beloved daughter if it were the w ill o f God; the means to retain her were to be satisfied w ith the w ill o f the Lord. Of all the trials of faith that as yet I have had to pass through, this was tKe greatest; and b y God’s abundant mercy, I own it to His praise, I was enabled to delight m y ­ self in the will of God; for I felt perfectly sure, that, if the Lord took this beloved daughter, it would be best for her parents, best for her­ self, and more fo r the glory o f God than if she lived: this better part I was satisfied with; and thus m y heart had peace, perfect peace, and I had not a moment’s anxiety. Thus would it be under all circumstances, however, painful, were the believer exercising faith. END.

The King's Business/.!uly 1957


Robert J. St. Clair

awaited death. This minister prom ­ ised to see Brother M . A fter several interviews it was apparent exten­ sive help was needed. The minister discussed the case with Mr. M ’s physician and the latter readily admitted the young man needed pastoral care. The minister worked closely with the doctor for nine months and did much of the counseling himself. The case was exceedingly complex but essentially here is what hap­ pened. The young man and mother lived together. The father had died o f a heart attack. The mother was panic- stricken at the thought of being de­ serted if Mr. M ever got married. She hinted in not too subtle ways that he ought to forego marriage. The young man’s hostility was ac­ tually against his mother but it remained unconscious because the Bible says we are to honor our fa ­ thers and mothers. He felt horribly guilty but at first did not know thé actual cause o f the guilt. His hostil­ ity erupted against his foreman at work who had the domineering traits o f his mother. The heart trou­ ble was related to the anxiety he experienced when he felt angry, a condition known as “ cardiac neu­ rosis.” W hen Mr. M began to under­ stand his own life he slowly learned to s t a n d o n h i s o w n f e e t . H i s prayers for his mother were of in­ estimable value both to him and her. He appropriated the power of the indwelling H oly Spirit to conquer the actual causes of his failures. He is no longer quixotically fighting symptoms in the dark. N ow he is happily married and has a baby. He is a growing Christian. His “ heart trouble” has disappeared. His moth­ er, who also received help, is now married and has her own home. Needless to say, the first minister intensified M r. M ’s guilt and his anxiety. That pastor is a great help to most o f his congregation but he has not been trained in pastoral counseling and would be a greater help to God if he were. Does this mean every pastor must be a psychologist? No. The lesson here is that a working knowledge o f doctrine, a “ way with people,” a spirit o f love and help­ fulness and a sensitive appreciation of pain, sickness, fear, etc., are not

Counseling & Personal Maturity

A t least once a month the peni­ tent would respond to the altar call. Falling to his knees he repeatedly cried, “ Fill me, Lord, fill me.” This went on for several years until one impatient saint was heard to mut­ ter, “ D on ’t bother, Lord. He leaks.” Failure to grow into personal maturity and to fulfill one’s capabil­ ities is due to “ leaks” of spiritual power in the personality. An unquestionably sincere Chris­ tian may be growing in the know l­ edge of the Bible, in a deeper life of prayer and in Christian service, but still be quite unhappy and hin­ dered in his usefulness to church and community. These “ leaks” are found in inner conflicts, impedi­ ments in personal relationships, neurotic guilt, deep-seated anxiety, and twisted impressions o f self, its worth and function in life. I believe that the greatest lack in the evangelical m inistry and theol­ ogy is the ignorance of the most ele­ mentary discoveries of the science of human behavior and personality adjustment. Too long it has been assumed that feelings of guilt and anxiety were indicative of a back­ slidden condition. Ministers and psychologists alike have been ad­ monished because they spoke of “ peace” apart from salvation. W e are told that if a soul lacks peace of mind it can on ly mean he is un ­ saved or has unconfessed sin in his life and that conversion clears up all problems o f the personality! This pitfall o f misunderstanding has not been avoided b y liberal pas­ tors either. Psychological terms have been substituted for theologi­ cal truth. A ll truth had to be under­ stood in terms of the workings of

the mind. This has been disastrous. Philippians 4 :6 , 7 makes it clear that the Apostle Paul was well aware of the problem of anxiety. He saw its solution in the realm of spiritual therapy. The problem for the pastor (or any Christian) is to come to grips w ith the actual factors causing the anxiety so that appro­ priate spiritual equipment may be applied to the actual factors and not to some superficial symptom. Let us take a specific case. Mr. M is a Christian, 29 years old, one of two children. He had been miss­ ing the morning service of worship rather frequently, and when the pastor called reported he felt guilty about his spiritual condition. He confessed that now and then he would lose his temper at work. He also confessed that he had the begin­ nings o f heart trouble and was ex­ tremely worried- The pastor pointed out that the flare-up of temper was evil. This indicated the growing activity of the old Adam ic nature. It could be attributed to his failure to attend morning worship. The pastor also pointed out that w orry revealed a lack of faith. The minister wanted to know if it were not high time Brother M “ got right with the Lord.” They fell to their knees and had a season o f prayer. In a month the heart trouble grew worse, at­ tendance at services was irregular and the pastor felt he could do no more than keep the young man before God in prayer. One year later Mr. M ’s mother visited another church and ex­ pressed her alarm to the minister concerning the health o f her boy. He could n o t e a t o r s l e e p a n d


enough to carry on effective pas­ toral work. Not in some, but in ev er y coun­ seling activity all the training and knowledge a pastor can get will stand him in good stead. Few of us a p p r e c i a t e what a difficult and grand art is this facet of the m in ­ istry. W orking with the sick, the bereaved, the alcoholic, the per­ plexed, the aged and the lonely demands the richest resources God offers. The human personality is overwhelm ingly complex beyond our imagination. T o know how to counsel, when, how and what to pray, how to listen, how to lead and encourage — these and many other aspects of the art — all demand as much training, reading and experi­ ence as most professions. Pastors have been successful in many cases relying solely on sup­ portive therapy, that is, constantly bolstering the spirit through prayer, optimistic advice and encourage­ ment. Spiritual pep talks, however, will simply not do in all cases. But if these things are true, what can we say of those churches that carry on no counseling ministry? I’ll never forget the minister who told me he was so busy out winning souls for Christ he had no time to play nursemaid to weak saints. The “ leaks” in his own life were all too obvious. There were so many leaks in the lives of so many saints there that they did not have a mobilized force o f radiant, effective soul win- ners to help him in the church’s program of evangelism. W hat is your church doing to en- hance personal maturity through S p irit-tou ch ed counseling? Have you studied the Gospels with an eye to view ing the counseling tech­ niques of Christ? Does you r session, board of deacons or hoard o f stew­ ards carry on the work of counsel­ ing also? Do the people in your church know where to go and what to do when they have deep personal and spiritual problems? Can prayer be thought o f as a counseling situ­ ation? W hom do you rely upon for a counselor? Your pastor? A trusted friend? A parent? W h y ? W hat benefits have you received from speaking to a sympathetic listener? In the next article w e shall deal with the ways pastor and layman can train fo r the m inistry of effec­ tive Christian counseling. END. The King's Business/July 1957

P OQTY 1 S/Helen Frazee-Bower

A nd P eter Mark 16:7

How like our Lord to add, "and Peter” — knowing That one would walk the world in cmel shame, Forever haunted by a far cock crowing, An idle boast, and eyes that held no blame But looked with brave compassionate reminding - Into his own. How like our Lord, to know That somewhere Peter, stumbling on through blindin And bitter tears, would need that message so. That somewhere Peter, all his spirit broken, Past pride, past fear, past all save grim regret, Would find in two small words a tender token That all his lifetime he would not forget: The sweet assurance that he still belonged, In spite of all, unto the Lord he wronged.


T hou , L ord , R emainest

"Thou, O L o r d , remainest for ever.” — Lam. 5:19 "And after the fire a still small voice.” — 1 Kings 19:12

When mighty tempests lash the sky And stricken forests shattered lie, No more to lift their branches high, Thou, Lord, remainest.


When earthquakes toss the troubled world Now back, now forth, as balls are hurled, Or shake it out like flags unfurled, Thou, Lord, remainest. When flaming furies scorch and scar Familiar forms, until they are But desolation stretching far, Thou, Lord, remainest. Not in the earthquake, fire, nor storm Nor all the terrors that can swarm, But in the still Voice, small and warm, Thou, Lord, remainest. Then, heart, be still and lend an ear: Not all the dooms that persevere Can hide His voice—thy God is here. Thou, Lord, remainest.




By the author of "The Christian & Worldliness”

Christ According to You

by Ray C. Stedman

I n 1 Peter 2:9 we read, "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” This is a great statement of the nature and the purpose of the Church and of each individual Christian as well. Peter’s purpose in this verse is to remind us of something of what we are and why we are what we are. You can see how easily this verse divides into two divisions; there are two phrases that stand out in it. Peter begins, "But ye are,” and tells us what we are. Then in the middle o f the verse he says, "that ye should shew forth,” and tells us why we are what we are and what God has designed us to do because of what we are. Look at the verse again and you will notice that the revelation of the first half makes us either feel very humble or very smug, one o f the two. These names once belonged to Israel alone, but now Peter takes them up and by the inspiration of the Spirit o f God applies them to the Church, and this is what he says the Church is. Let me give it to you from the Williams trans­ lation which gives a very accurate rendering here: "But you are the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the consecrated nation, the people to be His very own.” You’ll notice' the emphasis there is on the article "the.” The chosen race . . . sought out by the Holy Spirit, brought out of darkness into marvelous light. The royal priesthood, and we need to remember this today. We are priests with a special access to God that other people do not have, wielding authority as kings before Him in the world in which we live. Royal priests! The consecrated nation, far more precious to God than any other nation or kingdom on earth. And you are a people who are peculiarly His very own. You are in God’s intimate family circle. You’re as

dear to Him as your own children are to you. Peter is simply declaring facts when he states these things. I hope we recognize, as we consider this, that it’s a tre­ mendous thing to have these privileges before God. These are gifts of God’s grace, given to the undeserving, and He’ll never take them back. If you know Jesus Christ, you can lay claim to these four tremendous privileges today. You belong to a royal priesthood, a chosen race, a conse­ crated nation and a peculiar people, i.e., a people for His very own possession today. This is the way God sees us. It is what we are in Christ. The reason why But I do not want to spend much time with this. I want rather to center on the latter part of the verse because there we learn why we are what we are. "• ■ •Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” In other words, God does not give us these privileges in order that we might gather robes o f self-righteousness around us and live our own sweet lives in smug isolation from the world around about us. God doesn’t want us to be Pharisees and say, "O Lord, we thank you that we’re not like these other people. We don’t act evilly like they do. We pay our tithes, we keep the law, etc., etc., etc.” God didn’t give us these privileges in order for us to assume an attitude like that. You notice that He says we are all these wonderful things in order that we might show forth Him, display the excellencies o f Him who called us out o f darkness into His marvelous light. God has made


true that what is needed is a Revised Version o f the epistle of Christ? Perhaps now we’re putting our finger on why our neigh­ bors do not believe or why our friends won’t listen to us when we talk to them about the Lord. Do you know that Jesus Christ is unquestionably the most attractive, the most winsome, the most compelling o f all persons today, if only He can be seen by men? That is, seen as He really is. If we can just hold up Christ in our lives before men today, He becomes a compelling power to attract them by the thousands to come to know Him. Men want Him, they are looking for Him, they’re longing for Him. But if, on the other hand, the Christ that we’re showing to the world is one of smug self-righteousness or maybe one who is ungoverned in his temper or dishonest in his business, is it any wonder that the world doesn’t want any­ thing to do with a Christ like that? For instance, I heard a Christian mother the other day screaming at her children out in the yard. Now I suppose that’s a very common act and yet immediately two thoughts came to me. I remembered first of all the many times I’ve screamed at my children out in the yard and been guilty of the same thing. And then I thought what a twisted picture of Christ that must give to the neighbors! A Chris­ tian out in the yard screaming at the top o f his lungs at his children. I read of a pastor who was witnessing to his druggist friend, and this druggist listened for quite awhile and then he said, "Well, I’ll tell you, it all sounds very good but I don’t think it works.” And the pastor said, "What do you mean?” "Well,” the druggist said, "come with me a moment.” And he led him into the back room where the records of the drugstore were kept and he opened his accounts and turned to a name and he said, "Now look at this man, you know this man, he’s a member of your church. Tell me,” he said, "is this man able to pay his bills?” And the pastor said, "Well, as far as I know he is; he seems to have ample money as far as I can tell.” "Well, look down here,” the druggist said. "He’s been owing me $67.00 for three months and has never paid a cent on it.” And then he flipped over to another page and said, "Here’s another man. He’s a member of your church. Is he able to pay?” And the pastor said, "Yes, I guess he is.” "Well, he’s been owing me another amount here for a long, long time. Never comes in to pay. Never makes any adjustment of the account.” And finally the pastor just had to turn around and walk out. Why? Because of the twisted, distorted picture of CONTINUED

us what we are in order that we might demonstrate what He is. We are to exhibit to the world what Jesus Christ is like, and we are these things in order that we might show Him forth. Now, this is not a new thought, I know. You will find this truth all throughout the New Testament. You remember the Lord Jesus said, “Ye shall be witnesses of me.” And He didn’t mean by that, "You shall be men and women who go around talking about me.” He meant, "You shall be my credentials to the world; you are my exhibition; you are my demonstration to the world of what I’m like.” D. L. Moody once said, "The Christian man is the world’s Bible, and in the majority of cases what we need is a Revised Version.” That echoes the truth of Paul when he wrote that you are the epistle of Christ, "written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart.” You are living letters from God, written not in the cold tables on which the ten com­ mandments were written but in the' fleshly tables of the heart. That’s where Christ is revealed through you to the world. Have you ever listened carefully to testimonies o f men and women who came out of worldly ways and worldly lives and became Christians and then stood up to tell how it happened? The next time you have an opportunity, listen carefully. I’ve listened to scores of them, hundreds of them, and do you know, to my knowledge I don’t think I ever heard one person say, "Well, I was antagonistic to the gospel and religion meant nothing to me. But, you know, at last somebody got hold of me and read me a lot of apologetic material and convinced me by argument that the thing was true and I believed it.” I’ve never heard anybody say that. But I’ve heard scores of people stand up and say, "Well, the arguments that I heard didn’t impress me much but, you know, there was something in their lives that got me. Something I could see they had that I didn’t have and that’s what won me.” Now what is that something? It’s Jesus Christ within! It’s what is written on the living epistle of the heart. It’s Christ written on the heart in letters that men and women can read today that creates a hunger and a nostalgia for that something that others have that they don’t have. What is it that the world is reading in you and me today? What kind of Christ is the world seeing in our hearts and lives ? Isn’t Moody right when he says that in the majority of cases what is needed is a Revised Version? I know there are many, and I thank God for them, who are demonstrating Jesus Christ in a wonderful way to men and women today. But in the majority of cases, is it not

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