King's Business - 1957-07


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statutes without the song, the words without the music. The early church did not have much that we have but they had something w e do not always seem to have. Th ey knew the Lord, they were filled with the Spirit, they loved each other, everyone was a missionary and they were looking fo r the Lord to return. They had wits aplenty, keen intellects, and works abounded for theirs was a labor of love, but all this was glori­ fied and transformed b y the Spirit of God. They were “ open on the Godward side” as Dr. Phillips puts it. Today much o f evangelical Chris­ tianity is like John W esley before Aldersgate, well-reared, educated, hard-working, separated, mission­ ary-minded, hut for all that, trying to take off on a cold motor. Until its heart is strangely warmed it will continue to wander like A lice in Wonderland. But how shall we change from childishness to childlikeness? Our Lord told us: “ Except y e be con­ verted and become as little children . . . .” Conversion comes first. There must be a radical turn, an about- face. W e need a heartwarming. So, amidst all the panels and symposiums, we had better, along with the aforementioned Dutch­ man, “ get into a good old Jesus meeting.” I f we cannot find one, let us have one personally and then invite the neighbors. If any man will open the door, He w ill come in. Where two or three gather in H is nam e He is there. That is a Jesus meeting and it is the on ly answer to wandering in W onder­ land. END.

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The King's Business/July 1957

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