King's Business - 1957-07

James O. Henry, M.A., Editor

Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College

World Congress on Jewish Studies

and Canada, according to a survey made by the Missionary Research Library. The figure four years ago was 18,576. Mission boards with 500 or more missionaries are: Meth­ odist Church, 1,513; Seventh-day Adventists, 1,272; P r e s b y t e r i a n Church in U .S.A., 1,072; Southern Baptist Convention, 1,032; Sudan Interior Mission, 1,024; The Chris­ tian and Missionary Alliance, 766; Assemblies of God, 752; Tire Evan­ gelical A lliance Mission, 688; Bap­ tist Mid-Missions, 601; W ycliffe Bible Translators, 556; National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc., 500. Ruins of Ancient Fortress Found The remains of a large fortress probably dating back to the time of David and Solomon were discov­ ered at Ein Quedeis, south of Ein Quedeirat (the traditional Kadesh- bamea o f the B ible), by Dr. Yoha- nan Ahoron i of the Hebrew Uni­ versity’s Department of Archaeol­ ogy? while on a tour of northern Sinai with a group of his students prior to the evacuation of the area by the Israel Defense Forces. The discovery at Ein Quedeis, the name of wh ich m ay stem from ancient Kadesh, was made after most ar­ chaeologists had given up this site as a field of research. The fortress was built of large crude stones, oval in plan. A Job for Parents High school principals were told recently by Howard F. H om er, a Portland, Ore. principal that, “ every young person is potentially a de­ linquent. Whether he grows up to become one is determined b y what he is taught in the home, b y his friends and b y others in the com­ munity.” Horner also added that, “ It is the home where attitudes to­ ward others, ethical standards and a code of behavior are established.”

He indicts the parents: “ Most par­ ents of problem children are unw ill­ ing to accept responsibility for their child’s acts. Or they assume a pro­ tective attitude in which they de­ fend the youngster even after it has been proven he is in the wrong.” He says the usual cry is: “ He is a good boy but the others got him into trouble.” Juvenile Dope Peril There are between 50,000 and 60.000 drug addicts in the nation today, and the vast majority o f those who have become addicts in the past three years are young per­ sons in or under the m ilitary age bracket, according to Policewoman Lois Lundell Higgins o f Chicago. She asserted juvenile addicts in the United States spend $250,000 a day on narcotics. In her recent speech to the California Juvenile Officers A s s o c i a t i o n , wh ich she titled, “ Mugs, Thugs and Drugs” then added “ Shrugs,” she said, “ W e are frequently dismayed b y the shrugs [public apathy] we en­ counter in police work.” Mrs. H ig­ gins pointed out that “ the vast ma­ jority of teen-agers who become drug addicts do so through wrong companionship, which could be pre­ vented by closer parental concern over their children’s activities.” Arabic Progress An inventory of an estimated 250.000 Arabic manuscripts in the custody of public and private librar­ ies throughout the Arab world is being prepared b y the Institute of Arab Manuscripts, according to A l- Massa, a newspaper of Cairo, Egypt. A report on the work will be made by Dr. Salaheddin Mu jid, director of the Institute, to the forthcoming Congress of Orientalists to be held in Mun ich at the end of September. The Institute is connected with the Arab League. END.

P r e p a r a t i o n s for the Second W orld Congress on Jewish Studies are being made. The Congress will take place on the Hebrew Univer­ sity campus from July 28 to Aug­ ust 4. Sponsored jointly by the University and the Israeli Ministry on Education, it will be one of the most important events in the field of Jewish scholarship to have been organized since the First Congress was held on Mount Scopus, Jeru­ salem, in 1947. The aim of the Second Congress will be to clarify some of the fun ­ damental problems in Jewish studies in the light of the latest develop­ ments in Judaic research and in the status of the Jewish people. During the Congress a number of public exhibitions will be held on subjects such as: The Hebrew Book in Jewish Studies, Historical Docu ­ ments, The Demography of the Jews, The Dead Sea Scrolls. India on the March A t the beginning of India’s first Five-Year Plan there were 36,094 post offices. A t the end of that per­ iod there were 55,000. W hen India became independent every post of­ fice served, on an average, 52 square miles and 15,038 people, but at the end of the first Five-Year Plan the average had been brought down to 23 square miles and 6,486 people. The total number of telegraph of­ fices in the country has increased from 3,592 to 5,057. Nearly 110,000 telephones were provided during the first Five-Year Plan period, representing an in­ crease of 65 per cent in the number of telephones in use in the country. Missions A record total of 23,432 Protes­ tant missionaries are serving abroad for 213 agencies in the United States


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