King's Business - 1957-07

way. Then things took a turn for the worse. Ranchers reported loss of cattle, and two or three men have been killed. From all I’ve heard I think the death of those men was unnecessary.” “ H ow do you figure that?” I said. “ I’ll tell you and this is m y pri­ vate opinion so keep it under your hat for the time being. But I be­ lieve that Tom Ketchum has either become gun happy and has gone to killing men just to collect the re­ ward or he’s the victim of a bad situation. Knowing Tom as I think I do, I ’m inclined to believe the latter.” “ Certainly killing men just to col­ lect a reward doesn’t make sense to me either, Bart, so I go along with you on the idea that he may be caught in some kind of a crooked deal,” I said. “ This thing has had me all stirred up and I ’ve been wondering just what to do to satisfy m y suspicions and get at the bottom of this trouble. N ow I think I have a good idea. I’m going to send someone into that part of the country, someone they are not likely to suspect as being a range detective, someone I can really trust.” And having said that much the sheriff turned those piercing, kindly eyes at me, and when he did they opened real wide and brightened up like a candle in the dark. “ And b y crackie, I believe you are the man.” “ W hat?” I said, really surprised. I rose to m y feet, not sure if he was serious or not. “ You must think that I’m tired of living.” “ No, I don’t think that, Leonard, but I am thinking that some of the men who have been killed were not tired of living either. And if some­ one like you doesn’t go in there to help me get the mess cleaned up, other men who aren’t tired of liv­ ing w ill get killed.” And that’s how it all happened, m y becoming a range detective out on the Laramie Plains working for the law. The next day I was on m y way. M y job was to move around from place to place getting information that might be o f help at headquarters in Cheyenne. A p ­ parently, whoever was responsible for giving the ranchers so much trouble was not interested in horses because none had been reported missing. A fter I’d been praying for a while

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The King's Business/July 1957


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