King's Business - 1957-07

EILERS continued about where I should establish m y main camp, I felt that I should go to Arrowhead Ranch. So the follow ­ ing morning I headed that way. As I rode along I realized how logical it all was that I go there since the owner, Big Boy Hawger, was the one who had promoted the idea of having Tom Ketchum. Then too, it was reported he was the one who had been losing more cattle than anyone else. That was understand­ able since he had the largest outfit by far and owned more stock than anyone else in the whole country. On arriving at Arrowhead Ranch, I received a friendly welcome from Big Boy Hawger himself. He didn’t remember me and I didn’t let on that I was at the big barbecue when Tom Ketchum had been hired. He wanted to know if I was looking for a job, and when I told him that I already had one, he looked at me sort of puzzled. Naturally, I figured that I could trust him with any secret informa­ tion so I told him what I was up to. “ Big Boy, this is not for general information but I think you should know that I’m here as a private investigator sent out from Chey­ enne to get the low-down on what’s going on around here.” W h ile I was talking, I thought I sensed a tenseness and a strange flicker in his eyes, as well as a momentary change of expression on his face. A ll that gave me an odd feeling but I passed it off as just a notion on m y part. “ W e ll,” he sort of drawled out, trying to remain friendly, “ that’s very considerate of them. Naturally, if I can be of any help you can count on me.” “ Thanks very much ,” I said. “ I’d like to make this m y headquarters if you ’ll allow me to.” “ Sure thing,” he said in a way that sounded almost too eager. “ I was just going to suggest that you do that. Make yourself right at home and let me know when there is anything I can do to be o f help.” I went over to the bunkhouse where I unloaded. I tossed m y bed­ roll onto one o f the empty bunks and piled m y camping stuff around the back, covering it with m y tar­ paulin. I was bothered by Big Boy’s reaction to m y being sent out from

Cheyenne. Later I understood but just at this moment it didn’t make sense. A feeling o f suspicion crept over me, suspicion that Big Boy was not what I’d been thinking he was. The situation took on an air of adventure and I became a bit excited as I realized the possibility of immediate danger. By the time I got myself squared away, it was nearing the end of the day. Cowboys were com ing in from their day’s work, and along with them Tom Ketchum showed up. Since he was supposed to he working out of Rock Creek, I didn’t expect to find him at Arrowhead. He was just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. As soon as it was convenient for me to do so, I got him off to one side to let him know w h y I was there. Naturally, I felt he should know. As I talked to him, I sensed the same reaction that Big Boy had shown. That real­ ly made me feel that something was wrong and that things around the place were not on the up and up. Of course, I tried to act as though everything was all right, but believe me, I sure kept m y eyes and ears open. That night after supper m y suspicions increased when I saw a couple of men leave the bunkhouse PEN PALS Sharon Massey, Route 1, Box 247, Tule- lake, Calif.; 12; swimming, athletics, arts and crafts. Teddy Mossman, Star Route, Stonyford, Calif.; 13; roller skating, swimming, read­ ing, piano, sewing. Cheryl Williams, Box 463, 320 South J St., Philomath, Ore.; 10; cooking, sewing, singing. Any boys and girls interested in joining our pen pal club write Pen Pal Editor, The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Include age and inter­ ests. — ED. and return in a few minutes. Then a couple of others would leave and do the same thing. Curious, I made an excuse to go see how m y horses were getting along. On m y way over to the cor­ ral I saw the men going into Big Boy Hawger’s office. By the time I got back all the men were in the bunkhouse except Tom . W hen he hadn’t returned even after all o f us

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