King's Business - 1957-07

had gone to bed, I figured he and Big Boy were having a special ses­ sion, probably making final plans about some big deal. M y suspicions would have been verified had I been able to overhear their conversation at Big Boy’s office just then. “ Look here, Big Boy, enough is enough. I’m through. I’m quitting while I still have a chance to get out before the law catches up,” Tom was saying trying to convince Big Boy that he wasn’t going to carry on with their plans to get rid of me. “ Through?” Big Boy grunted, try­ ing hard to keep from going into a rage. “ That’s what you think be­ cause you ’re turning yellow . You can’t quit now. Things are going too good. By fall we can really clean up and your share will be plenty. I’ll have m y men do a cou­ ple more killings for which you ’ll get credit besides the reward b y the ranchers. This w ill keep covering up any suspicion. And don’t forget that you ’re in on the cut after we sell all the stolen cattle this fall. Besides,” Big Boy stopped for breath, and he glared at Tom before he continued, “ besides, keep in mind that I have too much on you, and if you turn against me you ’ll pay w ith your life. Some o f m y men are itching for that chance. They hate you because you get credit for what they do and because you col­ lect $500 for every man they kill.” Tom sat quietly through all this. His face was sad, a look of despair in his eyes. H e realized Big Boy was telling the truth. For a while he had been an obedient law man but Big Boy had influenced him to do wrong. He had listened to him instead of to his own conscience. And now he felt ashamed because he had broken his promise and his oath to God and man. He didn’t want to go on but when a man once allows himself to do even one wrong, he is liable to, and usually does, w ind up in the middle o f so m any of them he’ll never get out without paying a big price. “ H ow do you expect to get rid of this range detective?” Tom said hopelessly. “ I’m not sure, but we’ll find a way. Can’t very well shoot him while he’s asleep. I tell you what, in the morning you pretend like you want him to go along with you to take a look around these parts.

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The King’s Business/July 1957


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