King's Business - 1957-07

EILERS continued into the gang of rustlers, and I found it difficult to believe what I knew had to be true— Big Boy was in on the affair too. “ Y ou ’re right, Tom ,” I said. “ They w ill pay and so w ill you. So w ill Big Boy and all the rest o f his gang.” “ Th ey didn’t get you !” he ex­ claimed. And I couldn’t make out if he was glad or sorry. “ No, they didn’t get me or you. I hope you realize they tried to get us both. The best thing for you to do is to throw in with me because it’ll go a lot easier for you .” “ I ’m afraid it’s too late now. I don’t think you ’ll live to tell the story and I don’t think I w ill either the w ay I feel,” he said. “ W ell, that isn’t the w ay I feel. I think w e’ll both live. God has never let me down yet and I don’t expect H im to this time. I wasn’t hit at all. I’ve just been playing possum to fool those ambushers. By now they should be gone. I think it’s safe for us to take inventory.” I got up and went over to Tom . He was wounded seriously and was breathing with some difficulty. I really felt sorry for him. “ Tom , you know this is a result of your own doing. W h y did you disobey the law you were sup­ posed to, expected to and promised to enforce?” For a moment he was silent, with eyes closed. Then he opened them

slowly and looked at me as on ly one who had done wrong and was real sorry could and said, “ Leonard, I sure wanted to and intended to do m y duty hut Big Boy and his gang put the pressure on me and I gave in .” Fortunately Tom knew o f a little ranch about an hour’ s ride from where we were, so that’s where I took him. I did a lot o f praying all the way, asking God to keep him alive. W hen we got to the ranch, we put him to bed. The rancher’s w ife was right handy at nursing Tom and he got the best of care. By morning he was well enough to talk and give me all the information I needed, and much more than I dared hope for when I left Chey­ enne. I was glad to find out that the little ranch where we were was on the way to Rock Creek. And soon I was on m y way. And as I rode I thanked God for the w ay H e had helped me and for the w a y He han­ dled things. W hen I got to Rock Creek, I phoned headquarters in Cheyenne. I told Bart Lawson how Tom had been made a victim of Big Boy Haw- ger’s scheme, that he never killed anybody but was given credit for shootings that Big Boy had his own men do. I told him that a big herd o f cattle was being held in Hidden Valley ready to he moved to a ship­ ping point just across the Colorado line. W ell, as you can imagine, Bart got busy right away, and b y the time he was through, Big Boy and all his gang were serving long terms in the state prison. Only Tom got off w ith a short one, a year long, because he had confessed and re­ pented and had really cooperated with the law in helping clean up a bunch of cattle thieves. Once again a man found out the hard w ay that the Bible is right when it says, “ T o obey God is bet­ ter than sacrifice.” Yes sir! That has always been true, not on ly dur­ ing the time o f Saul but during the time of cattle rustlers and in our time too. And, boys and girls, when we obey God, it means we obey the law and our parents as well as all those who have authority over us. And when we do that we are pleas­ ing God. It’s time for me to be on m y way again but I’ll be back be­ fore long. So long for now. END.



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