King's Business - 1957-07

Formula for a growing Sunday School

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller POWER

lle llo , Mr. Peabody,” three-year-old * ■Mark greeted a strange motorist waiting at the same traffic light as we. A pleasant faced, grandfatherly gentleman looked toward our car, smiled at the lad and said, “H i!” As he carefully threaded his way through the heavy traffic, big brother Bill took time to say, “Mark, that man might get after you for calling him ‘Mr. Peabody.’ You don’t know him.” “ No, he won’t get me, Bill, ’cause I smiled to him.” Mark’s dear little face shone as he explained the reason for his being unafraid to greet the stranger. Mother wanted to hug him. “Talk about power,” Mother mur­ mured, half to herself, half to anyone interested. “ If Mark continues in that vein, he’ll be a master psychologist by the time he’s an adult. You’ll have to admit that the little fellow surely has an engaging smile.” “He is a cute bug,” Bill agreed. “ He reminds me of Bob.” “ You can’t possibly know how much he is like Bob, especially when Bob was that age. You’re too close to Bob to remember when he was three and four years old. But if you keep your eyes on Mark, you’ll see a close counterpart to your older brother. Bob had such a friendly, warm, out­ going personality. He reached out to people in love and they returned in kind. Mark seems to be headed the same way. “ It seems to me,” Mother continued, “ if we’d take time to analyze what real power is, what its component parts are, we’d have to admit it is pure love. Love, the kind which is shed abroad in the hearts of believers by Christ, is constructive, building, healing. That’s real power. The pow­ er of unregenerate mankind which is built on brute force is cruel and de­ structive. Maybe the reason for the powerlessness of the true church in this day lies in the lack of warm love and the sincere smile. We try to prove our power by pushing our weight around, and since that isn’t God’s way we are impotent. ‘A merry heart doeth good like medicine . . .’ (Prov. 17:22). ‘Though I speak . . . though I have the gift . . . though I have all faith . . . though I give my body . . . and have not love, it profiteth me nothing’ (1 Cor. 13:1-3). “ ‘I smiled to him.’ Lord, give us more of that kind of power.”




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