Dr. Clyde M. Narromore, graduate of Columbia Uni versity, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in America.
unchanged. It is said to put disturb ing situations in their proper per spective and reduces tension, anx iety, fear and compulsion. The effects are subtle and the pa tient himself may not notice the gradual disappearance of his symp toms. No signs o f addiction or symptoms of withdrawal have been noticed with the drug, the pharma ceutical company reported. As time goes on, psychiatrists w ill learn much more about its value. As a Christian, I should like to add that in many instances of ex treme fear, anxiety and other mal adjustments, the patient would not have developed such difficulties if he had surrendered his life and will to Christ, then rested in Him. The widespread incidence of men tal illness should be a sharp warning for all of us who know Christ as personal Saviour, to draw close to H im and en joy the peace and quiet that on ly He can give. Number One Worry Q. W hat is man’s number one wor ry? A. Elmer Roper and Associates re cently asked this question o f a national cross section of the popula tion o f the U.S. The answer from both men and women was money. As I counsel with husbands and wives, I think Roper’s results are not far wrong. Unwise planning, spending and lack of sharing finan cial burdens do create problems. However, I believe that worry about money may often be a symp tom of an even deeper problem — spirituality. When we trust Christ as our personal Saviour and when we grow in Him , He gives us a dif ferent outlook on money.
live up to them to the best of its ability and knowledge. I have just read again 1 Corinthians 9:23-27. Also there is the Golden Rule as given in Matthew 7:12. I should appreciate your opinion in this matter. A. I am glad that you have given the matter of athletic competition and sportsmanship careful thought. As a former athlete myself, I think you are exactly right. In fact, most non-Christian schools are trying to eliminate the unwholesome atti tudes you have mentioned. Surely as Christians we must per form all that we do with our Chris tian philosophy in mind. As an administrator, you have a responsi bility to your faculty. You should explain these things to them — give them leadership. W hen you speak to you r athletic director about the above matter, use a tactful, Christian approach. Something New Q. What is “ Suavitil” and what is it supposed to do? A. Suavitil is a new drug recently introduced by Dr. Erik Jacobsen of Denmark. It is reported to work well in types o f mental disorders that are not helped by present tran- auilizing drugs. Its producers (Merck Sharp & Dohme) classify it as an antiphobic drug. Its main difference from pres ently available ones is that it is e f fective in depression and obsessive compulsive states. Th ey say it is valuable in treating psychosomatic disorders such as peptic ulcers and chronic compulsive alcoholism. It is not a sedative and has no hypnotic effect but leaves the qual ity and nature of thinking virtually
Boy or Girl? Q. Can parents learn the sex of their baby before it is bom ? A. M any o f the supposed tests for ascertaining sex are undependable. Girls do not cause their mothers to develop a preference for sweet foods nor boys for sour foods. Boys do not cause their mothers more nausea than girls. N or are boys carried high in the abdomen and girls low. A ll these ideas lack the foundation of fact. Even the difference between male and female heartbeat is not reliable because it is so relative. A test involving the puncture of the amniotic sac is possible and ac curate but not practical. Sportsmanship Q. I am a principal of a Christian day school. Our athletic coach and I disagree on a matter of training. He contends that a part of the game is “ razzing” and annoying the op ponents to the point of losing their heads, fumbling the ball, etc. I contend that this is not true Christian sportsmanship. A game played b y boys and girls should be won b y honest hard endeavor and skill wh ich comes from real practice and giving the opponent a fair chance to demonstrate his skill. A continuance of trying to win by tearing down the skill o f the opponent w ill be harmful to the spiritual, mental, physical and moral best growth and development of the child. This might be practiced in adult hood but I believe it not a good practice d u r i n g g r o w t h in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades. Am I right or wrong? A Christian school should not conform to the ways o f the world but set high moral standards and
The King's Business/July 1957
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