King's Business - 1957-07



Every Tuesday

Sirs: Thank m y God, and also thank you very much. The K.B. has been m y favorite magazine. Every Tues­ day morning I pray for the K.B. I like it, so that I want to read it every month. Kowloon, Hong Kong Yeung Shiu Ching S D Â (cont'd) Sirs: I thank God for the bold, uncom­ promising stand you have taken down the years on the great funda­ mentals of the faith. I am so glad for your series on Seventh-day A d ­ ventism. M any people are greatly confused, especially since the arti­ cles appeared in E tern ity magazine. Carlton, Ore. Edgar B. Luther, D.D., Pastor Grace Baptist Church Sirs: I wish to congratulate you on your fearless stand against the views of the editors of E tern ity. I believe those articles in E tern ity have done more harm to evangelicalism and more good for the Adventists than any of their own propaganda. A p ­ parently so many have been snared into this d e l u s i o n from other churches that they have “ leavened” the Adventists with fundamental views. This w ill on ly make it easier for them to get a hearing among professing Christians. Narrowsburg, N .Y. Rev. William G. Lowe, Pastor Berlin Bible Church Correction (S even th -day Adven tist M in ister L. A . W ilcox has called attention to an error in the A pril issue w here he was m entioned as an ed itor o f ‘'Signs o f the T im es.” H e states that he was n ev er an ed itor, on ly a w riter fo r that magazine. A ctua lly it was M r. W ilcox ’s fa th er who was a long-tim e ed itor o f “ Signs o f the T im es.” — E D .)

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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

The King's Business/July 1957


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