Coordinator of Healthy Manhood Initiatives
Jesus “ Chucho ” Ruiz Vai Sevoi – Eudeve (Opata) Tlamanalcah is the son of Leonor and Juventino, partner of Maria Molina Vai Sevoi, and father of six children. Over the past 20 years, Chucho has transformed the lives of countless youth through a La Cultura Cura approach through grassroots organizing and youth
engagement and later as an employee of Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC). Additionally, Chucho has served as a central facilitator of la tradición through his affirmation and maintenance of Nahua cultural practices and way of life, commitment to social justice, and obligation to the Tucson community. Chucho has served as a central facilitator of la tradición Nahua within the Calpolli Teoxicalli, a constellation of Nahua familias in Tlamanalco. Chucho has always answered the call to meet the needs in of the Chicana community as cultural advisor, authentic community leader, and “ barrio intellectual. ” Chucho has worked to create indigenous solidarity by building intertribal relationships with indigenous communities across Turtle Island. In the last seven years, Chucho has been intentional in engaging men and boys through his work, implementing A Call to Men ’ s Live Respect Coaching Healthy Manhood curriculum in several local high schools and also collaborating with local organization Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse, and specifically with Emerge ’ s Men Education Program, as a co - facilitator. Chucho founded the CHANTLACAH O.G. (Homies, Original Gente) talking circles and camp/gathering for young men/male - identified youth of color to discuss healthy masculinity. Chucho is the lead facilitator of A Call To Warriors, a monthly virtual community conversation series for Indigenous Men.
Chucho will keynote / facilitate a workshop at the fatherhood summit on Day 2 called, “ Breaking Out of the Man Box ”. If you have teenagers, you do not want to miss this workshop and discussion. More to come.
“ My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He Believed in me. ” — Jim Valano
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