CIPP Membership Services

Criteria for fellowmembership

Fellow membeship is available to members qualified to CIPP level six or seven in payroll, pensions or reward. Full members can also apply to upgrade based on their experience.

Existing full members applying to upgrade must meet the following criteria, applications will be assessed by the CIPP board of directors;

Phillip Reynolds MCIPP H ead of pay and central services, Gosport Borough Council _

1. Be able to demonstrate a positive and valuable contribution to CIPP and the profession, outside their normal duties, examples include: l Member engagement with the CIPP through assisting consultation committees l The development of services to members in planning meetings for future events

“I value my CIPP membership highly. The member’s magazine, email updates and specialist user groups all help to keep me up to date on all things in the payroll and pensions world. The CIPP has helped raise the profile of payroll and pensions to the professional level it deserves. It contributes to consultations with the government, and acts on various consultative bodies including HMRC. Finally, if you want to educate yourself to the next level, then the CIPP can help you…it’s got the lot!”

l Being published in professional journals on a continuing basis l Speaking as an expert at industry events on a continuing basis

2. Must have support from two other professionals within the industry, at least one of which should be an existing member of the CIPP

3. Must not be seen to be working against the CIPP through publishing negative statements, utilising company information for competitive gain or deliberately omitting information regarding the CIPP’s services when promoting the profession

Applications from full members with suitable experiences will also be considered.

How to apply

If you would like to upgrade to fellow membership, please email or call 0121 712 1073 to request an application form.

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