Common gardening activities, such as digging, planting, weeding, mulching, and raking can cause stress and strain on muscles and joints. This is especially true for senior citizens and people who are normally sedentary. Different body areas such as the shoulders, neck, back, and knees can be vulnerable to injury during gardening.
4 • If kneeling on both knees causes discomfort in your back, try kneeling on one and keep the other foot on the ground. Use knee pads or a gardening pad when kneeling. • If kneeling or leaning down to the ground causes significant pain in your back or knees, consider using elevated planters to do your gardening. • Avoid bending your wrist upwards when pulling things or using gardening tools. Instead, keep your wrist straight and use your shoulder muscles to pull and lift. • End your gardening session with some gentle backward bending of your low back, a short walk and light stretching, similar to stretches done before starting. Common gardening activities, such as digging, planting, weeding, mulching, and raking can cause stress and strain onmuscles and joints. This is especially true for senior citizens and people who are normally sedentary. Different body areas such as the shoulders, neck, back, and knees can be vulnerable to injury during gardening. These tips can help prevent injuries: • Warm up before you garden. A 10 minute brisk walk and stretches for the spine and limbs are good ways to warm up. • Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness or cramping. • Make use of a garden cart or wheelbarrow tomove heavy plantingmaterials or tools. Be sure to keep your back straight while using a wheelbarrow. Avoid Aches & Pains In The Garden This Summer
You Don’t Need A Prescription! In the state of Oklahoma you can seek physical therapy first, without a physician referral, to get the help you need quickly!
Feel Better
Exercise Essential Helps With Low Back Pain
SINGLE KNEE TO CHEST STRETCH Lie on back on a flat surface near the edge of a table or firm bed, so thighs are half off the surface. Bring one knee up toward your chest while keeping the opposite leg flat against the table. Attempt to keep opposite thigh in contact with the table, while also keeping the knee bent. Keep thigh in mid- line. Do not allow low back to move. Hold for 20 seconds then relax for 20 seconds. Repeat 4 times each side.
Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercises youareunsureofdoing.
Monthly Massage Winners!
Edmond: Shirley B.
Midwest City: Gary S.
Oklahoma City: Don W.
Regional Physical The
To Attend Our 10 th Annu “Kid’s Are Th Saturday, August 10 th 201 9309 East Reno Avenue,
Reserve your Tickets:
To purchase tickets call us https://chacha4childr Proceeds to benefit T Must be 21 to attend. Dinner This charitable event is designed to bring the community together to DINE, DANCE, AND DONATE!
I learn something new every time I come. “The more I come here the better I get. I learn something new every time I come. I appreciate everyone here. Thanks for making me able to bend my knee.” - C.C.
rapy, Inc. Invites You!
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Thank You To Our SPONSORS
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t (405) 732-3353 or go to he Children’s Center and drinks will be provided.
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