King's Business - 1914-08/09



and in the fact that all possible wor­ ship and sacrifice had been made that day to the god of thunder in a near by temple. She was at the other ex­ treme from her two grandsons 8 and 10 years of age who watched eagerly all that was done. They had probably often seen the boys in the near by Christian school, dressed in their neat uniforms and drilling on their campus, and they had no such fear o f these foreigners as their grandmother had tried to-instil in them. All crowded about the bed while the doctor gave the anaesthetic which would bring quick relief to, the suf­ ferer. Then the doctor sat down again at the table to sterilize his needle and to prepare some medicine to leave with the family. Within five minutes the moaning ceased and the man was quiet in sleep. Perfectly naturally the doctor began to ask a few questions as to the place where the man had been when the bolt struck him. Then he tactfully went on to tell the little group what lightning is, as well as science can say. He told them how it was electricity, the same force that was used to light Canton not far away. He told them how we use that force to operate cars and machinery. The faces about him followed every word. Then he went on to tell them that electricity was a force of nature. They are given us by God and are meant to be used and to help men. He re­ minded them that fire cooked their food but occasionally a man was burned; that the wind was a blessing, but sometimes it blows down houses; and that just so electricity is a force to be used but occasionally a man is struck by lightning. He told them that he knew of many good men who

had been killed by lightning. Then he said “ May I not tell you a little of the Jesus doctrine?” As he finished his work at the table, he told them simply a little of the Gospel story and after giving directions about the medi­ cine we left the grateful little group and' went out into the night. They still worship their idols. They still keep the incense burning at the shrine by the door. It may be some time before they will dare to enter a Christian church. But of this I am sure—Dr. Ross will always be a wel­ come guest in that house, whether the family be sick or well. They will look on all missionaries in a new way. The visiting Bible-woman will find good soil when she goes to visit the wife and children, and I believe that some day their’s will be a Christian home. ' I shall never forget the insane pa­ tient who knew Jesus, as he watched the effect of the doctor’s words upon his heathen friends. How wonderful are God’s ways. A Christian doctor used to reach an insane man as he recovers; the once insane man bring­ ing his benefactor to the help of his friend. God uses great afflictions to open the way for the Gospel. I do not believe that either the insanity or the lightning were sent by God as a punishment for sin, but I do believe that they were both over-ruled by His Providence to bring to Himself these two yellow men for whom Christ died. My life in China has already been full of such incidents as these, all o f them making me long for the time when I, too, can tell the Story of the Cross to these people who live a life of fear of demons that molest them in this world, and are constantly in dread of an awful hereafter.

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