King's Business - 1914-08/09



him to come to the camp, near Upland, and have a Gospel meeting. Mr. Salcido went, and found over four hundred men in the camp. At noon in the Gospel meeting with the men the interest was so marked that the foreman gave the men an hour extra time to continue the service. Not being able to get away that evening he had a second meeting, equally blessed. In June a telegram was received asking for some­ one to come again as the camp was to be TTHE Extension Work is not as stren- uous along the usual lines as it has been, but there are a multitude of things to do along other lines, so it keeps one busy. I have been thinking fo r som e time it w ould be appreciated by the readers o f the K ing ’ s B u siness to know what help others are receiving from the w ork, as expressed by them selves, so I shall ju st give som e e x ­ cerpts from a few o f the many letters re­ ceived from time to time. Another friend who, with his wife, is now on his way to the foreign field as a mis- mionary, said: “ I am sure that your work as it is carried on does certainly accom­ plish great things; a lot more than we can see. My wife and I certainly have en­ joyed every meeting that we have attended and feel enriched for having done so. We are now going forth to carry some of the same into a far country so that these black men may hear and believe and know of our Lord and our God.” .; The numerous expressions from the men attending the class at' San Quentin would take up many pages if they were all re­ corded. One of the men writes this week, “I feel it my duty to tell you something of the way we men here in the prison appre­ ciate your work. I have been here for twenty-nine months and in that time the moral and Christian work has improved so much that I cannot express it in words. Especially during the last six months, or since your Bible Study leaflets have been

moved. This latter request for Gospel meetings 'had come from a number of the men in the camp. A splendid meeting was conducted that evening which lasted till about 9 :30 o’clock. The men took up a voluntary offering and paid all expenses. During these meetings Gospel literature was placed in the hands of every man in camp. The camp was moved next day to Bakersfield. Pray for the Spanish work. given out, I have consecrated my life to the Lord and am studying the Bible every day.” Another one of the men who has been out on parole for several weeks writes: I am working among a lot of men. I am one of a number who occupy a large room for sleeping quarters. The first night of my stay here I took out my little Bible to read before going to bed. Many of the men laughed and some tried to make fun of me, but I persisted, and last night when I began to read one of the fellows said: ‘Jack, read out loud so we all can hear.’ I took the fifth chapter of Romans, the chapter you were speaking on the first day I went up to the Chapel to hear ‘The snake charmer.’ I told them the story of ‘The snake charmer,’ how the men in the yard asked me if I wanted to hear him, and after lots of light things had been said about him, I decided to hear him and when I slipped into a back seat that Saturday afternoon 1 listened to a story I had heard mother tell many times, and' it carried me back to my old home in the southland, where mother tought me to honor Him and serve Him and which I neglected to do until I got into prison. It brought happiness to my aching heart when I responded and I have a peace now that even in prison was precious and that the teaching of the Bible as you pre­ sent it is the best that life offers and I want several sets of the leaflets to use for I am going to' start a class right here.”

Extension Work Geo. W. Hunter, Superintendent

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