Indulge Wine List. version 02032025-01

*Prices listed are VIP | Stock subject to availability


SOUTH SEA SALTS Pure sea water from the open Pacific evaporates in the warm Fiji sun and gentle island breeze to create crunchy crystals of gourmet sea salt, which contain nothing but 100% natural sea minerals.

No additives, no processing, no waste, no footprint.

LUXE : Finishing Salt 60g jar

$ 19.00

Tradition Sea Salt 250g Pouch

$ 28.00

Tradition Sea Salt 500g Pouch

$ 49.00

Seasonal Salt Blends:

Chili 60g jar

$ 19.00

Coconut 60g jar

$ 19.00

Curry Leaf & Turmeric 60g jar

$ 19.00

Wild Hibiscus 60g jar

$ 21.00

Lime 60g jar

$ 21.00

Garden Herbs 50g jar Ginger & Lime Leaf 60g jar

$ 21.00 $ 21.00

BULABEE HONEY BulaBee Honey is a privately owned, family business with 21 active beehives located in Naivevu Estate, Vanua Levu in Fiji.

$ 17.00

430g honey jar

$ 23.00

500g honey jar

$ 40.00

1kg honey jar

VERSION 02032025-01


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