Certified Peer Specialist TRAINING COURSE

Benefits of Listening Well (Core Competencies: 4.1; 4.6; 4.9) Even though there are many challenges of showing up as an attentive listener, there are many benefits to listening well. • Listening well fosters connection with peers. • Peers are more likely to engage in services offered by a certified peer specialist when they experience acceptance and the lack of judgment that comes with skillful reflection. • Peers who are quiet, shy, and introverted can feel strong levels of support from a certified peer specialist who carefully listens and skillfully reflects. • A certified peer specialist can offer more relevant support through better understanding a peer's experiences, perspectives, priorities, and feelings. • Listening well to a peer fosters exploration because when feeling listened to, heard, and understood, people tend to open up and share more deeply. • Listening well to a peer saves time because the certified peer specialist can more quickly grasp the essence of what the peer is attempting to communicate. • Listening well to a peer can foster insights for them that they may not have otherwise experienced without a careful listener to reflect back potential underlying meaning. • Listening well to a peer can help them to regulate strong emotions and to resolve conflict. • Listening well to peer can help them to identify their inner strengths and resources.


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