2007-2009: Wisconsin creates the certification process for certified peer specialists. The Department of Health Services partners with the Recovery Implementation Task Force and Access to Independence on this project. Training courses from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Kansas Consumers as Providers, the Arizona META model, and the National Association of Peer Specialists (NAPS) are approved for use in Wisconsin. 2008: A trauma-informed care coordinator is hired by the Department of Health Services. The trauma-informed care coordinator partners with peer leaders from around the state to develop and deliver a Trauma-Informed Care 101 Training to county service providers, calling these peers “Trauma-Informed Care Consumer Champions.” 2008: The consumer affairs liaison at the Department of Health Services and a team of peers creates a speaker’s bureau and trains 36 peers from around the state to deliver the Recovery Basics Training to Comprehensive Community Service providers throughout the state. 2009: Over 400 people attend a statewide conference focused on trauma-informed care. Consumers are involved in planning and presenting the conference. 2009: The Opening Avenues to Re-entry Success Program is established in Wisconsin to promote the successful transition of people with mental illness from prison to community. 2010: 2009 Wisconsin Act 218 is enacted. It is known as Wisconsin’s Mental Health Parity Law. 2010: The first Wisconsin certified peer specialist certification exam is proctored. Nearly 100 people pass the exam in its first year. 2010: Grassroots Empowerment Project partners with Optum Health, Options for Independent Living, NAMI Greater Milwaukee, and NAMI Racine to implement the PeerLink program, which provides peer support to Optum members to decrease emergency room visits and hospitalizations and increase access to community services. 2011-2014: The Department of Health Services partners with the national group “The Pillars of Peer Support” to develop the national standards for peer support. 2013: A more than $26 million investment in Wisconsin’s public behavioral health system includes the expansion of Coordinated Services Teams Initiatives, Comprehensive Community Services, and the creation of peer-run respites. The Office of Children’s Mental Health is created. 2013: A group of 13 Wisconsin residents interested in building a recovery advocacy organization form Wisconsin Voices for Recovery with support from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. They develop an advisory committee with a diverse group of stakeholders to guide their work.
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