Where do you stand on multiple pathways to recovery? In this activity, share your opinion on the following statements indicating where you stand from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” For each statement below, indicate your perspective by aligning yourself with the option that best reflects your level of (dis)agreement. Your opinions and perspectives are what matters most in this exploration-based activity. • Medication is an important and effective part of substance use treatment. • Medication is an important and effective part of mental health treatment. • For people addressing opioid use, supervised injection sites will save lives and improve outcomes. • Good outpatient treatment programs are, on average, about as effective as inpatient programs for long-term outcomes. • Most people get into recovery and find meaningful living through relying on their natural supports. • Most Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) community members do not seek treatment or system supports for mental health and/or substance use challenges. • Most people who attend a 12-step groups become regulars. • Most people who regularly attend 12-step groups enter and stay in recovery. • Only evidence-based practices such as motivational interviewing and/or cognitive behavioral therapy are effective in helping people get into recovery. • Peer support should never be offered without parallel clinical supports.
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