Activity: Perspective Taking on Self-Harm The purpose of this activity is to explore multiple perspectives on self-harm. In groups of four or five, briefly consider three questions either from the peer perspective or from the certified peer specialist perspective. Have someone document your group responses. Be prepared to share out to the large group. Taking the peer perspective, put yourself in a peer’s shoes or draw upon your own personal experience to consider these questions: • What might be going on in this person’s life on the inside and outside? • What might this person find beneficial, helpful, or supportive? What could a peer support person do and say that would be useful? • What might not be useful? What should people refrain from doing and saying? Taking the certified peer specialist perspective, consider these questions: • What might be initial responses on the inside (thoughts, feelings) when a peer presents thoughts of wanting to self-harm? • What might be some effective ways of responding as a certified peer specialist? What could been done or said to be supportive? Consider OARS communication skills and provide specific examples of application. • What should not be done or said? What listening roadblocks (see handout from earlier session) should we be sure to avoid?
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